Tuesday, April 19, 2005

It's a Start

We've been homeschooling Z for a full quarter of school now. This experience has been very rewarding to all 3 of us. Z says it's the best idea I've ever had, even though he was hesitant about the idea at first. He also says the "coolest" thing about homeschooling is that his teachers aren't dummies and that we explain WHY things work.

Now if we could just find a learning system that works just right for him! We've been experimenting with different learning styles over the last 3 months. We've found a lot that don't work and a few things that do work.

This is the main reason that I started this blog. I would love to share ideas with others that are in the same boat we're in. So if you randomly stumbled on this blog and know someone who is homeschooling a middle school child or someone that has a Tourette's, ADD or OCD child, feel free to lead them to this blog. You could also leave a comment and direct me to these people. Just knowing we're not alone in our situation would be GREAT!


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