Sleeping on the Right!

L installing cupboards
It's been almost a week since I've done any blogging. We've been BUSY!
Our 3 day weekend went quite well, until Monday. Monday morning we got the final (4th) coat of paint on the wall, reinstalled the ceiling light, cleared our bedroom of tools, and prepped the floor for the carpet. It rained all morning and we were waiting for the weather to clear for a few minutes, so we could pick up our carpet. We had our carpet stored in my parent's garage. Around 1:00, the weather cleared, so we made a quick trip to Menards and picked up the carpet.
We were getting ready to carry in the carpet when L's brother, sister-in-law, and mother pulled into our driveway. They'd driven up to visit from the Twin Cities with NO advance warning. That shot the rest of our work for the day. We did have a good time visiting with them and enjoyed the break from our labors.
Tuesday, I polyed the rest of the trim. Wednesday, Z and I layed the carpet. Last night we got our bed moved back into our bedroom. It was HEAVEN sleeping in our room again.
Moving our bed is no small accomplishment. Over 20 yrs ago, we built a storage bed. When we moved into this house our friends, that were helping us move, couldn't believe how much stuff came out of our bed. Our bed currently holds our spare blankets, seasonal clothes, my old comic book collection, all our games, our jigsaw puzzles AND our longjohns, wool socks and jeans. Hopefully we won't have to move the bed again for a LONG time!
This weekend we hope to complete our project. We still have some trim to hang, a chifferobe to assemble and the rest of the furniture and the computer(and all the peripherals) to move back in. THEN we can start on the living room floor!
Ah, looks nice so far.
By the way, Ben's putting some money on the Vikes. 7:1 Vegas odds. I'm even considering it.
Thanks, ZS!
Where's Ben's blog? I haven't been able to get there.
Yeah for you! Congrats on sleeping on the RIGHT SIDE of the bed again ;)
With all your doing, no one could blame you for not having time to blog! This is pretty fantastic - can't wait to see the finished product!
I love it that you used the word chifferobe. I haven't heard that since I was a kid. Great work you're doing there.
4 coats of paint? Why?? You poor dears...
Either you are the most thourough home improvement people on earth or you just enjoy painting.
My husband painted our kid's rooms and he has yet to do the second coat and I don't even think he needs to.
Wow, you guys are going all out. I bet you'll be so happy once it's all done. Looks great so far!
Thanks everybody!
We'll post pics as soon as we're moved in.
Squirl, my guys are now calling it an entertainment center. I TRY to have class. . .
Sadie, the first coat ran when I used the same paint pad I used for the primer. I guess the paint was too thick for it or something. So...I had to sand off the runs and cover the uneven spots. Hence 4 stinking coats. The end result was worth it though.
I was going to say, What the hell is a chifferobe? Thanks for clearing that up! We grew up calling the couch a chesterfield. You never hear that much any more, either.
Congrats on your progress! I'm hoping by the weekend to have a functioning (if not "complete") kitchen and second bathroom again. Then, except for the new roof (which I'm personally not touching), I think we're "done" until at least after tax time.
Jason, "functioning" is the most important part of kitchen. CONGRATULATIONS!
We don't do roofs either; other than clear the snow off them.
WC- i haven't heard anything besides a cigarette called a "Chesterfield" since Grandma Clarke died in 1964!
Hey, have you noticed the blog search engine on the Blogger main page? If you type in "Tourette's", your blog is one of the top listings!
SME, tshsmom is becoming a celeb, and of course is a wonderful person, but you have known that for about 27 years I believe.
You're the one that got me started SME!
Welcome back Vest! I missed you!! How's the hand?
The hand is back to normal, and "Thank you to those who sent words of sympathy, all three of you" luv's ya.
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