Monday, May 22, 2006


You two have come a LONG way in 5 years, all the way to your "cabin in the sky".

I can't wait to see what the next 5 years brings.

We love you both with ALL OUR HEARTS!!

Mom, Dad, Z-kid, and Hairry


At 5/22/2006 2:58 PM, Blogger S.M. Elliott said...

Aw, thank you! We never know exactly when our "anniversary" is; could be anytime between late April and late May, so it's always a pleasant surprise.
Love you!

At 5/22/2006 3:00 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

It's Victoria Day, silly!
Do you play chess, just for old times, on your anniversary?

At 5/22/2006 4:21 PM, Blogger Vest said...

congratulations U Lovers.

At 5/22/2006 4:40 PM, Blogger Miladysa said...

Congratulations!!! :)

At 5/22/2006 5:21 PM, Blogger Sadie Lou said...

Happy Anniversary! Dan and I are celebrating our tenth this year in August. 5 years is pretty close to that 7 Year Itch!

At 5/22/2006 6:09 PM, Blogger S.M. Elliott said...

Well, I guess Victoria Day is as good a time as any. ;D
No chess, but we do battle sometimes!

At 5/22/2006 7:36 PM, Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

That's so sweet. :-) Congrats!

At 5/23/2006 12:47 AM, Blogger S.M. Elliott said...

I heard there's an ebook on how to get rid of obnoxious anonymous posters.

At 5/23/2006 6:57 AM, Blogger JR said...

Happy Anniversary! My partner and I just celebrated our 6th.

At 5/23/2006 1:17 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Good one SME!

Happy Anniversary to you too VV!

BEGONE George and anon!

At 5/23/2006 7:10 PM, Blogger greatwhitebear said...

Happy Anniversary (not ot mention Happy Victoria Day). Hope you had fireworks (and saw some too!)

At 5/23/2006 7:21 PM, Blogger Squirl said...

Happy Anniversary, SME!

At 5/23/2006 9:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

5 years 10 years or 50 years it don't matter much, as long as it stil ongoing, once more congratulations.

At 5/27/2006 6:32 PM, Blogger S.M. Elliott said...

Thanks everybody! But I have to add a "get out of hell" clause: I do actually live in sin with a man twice my age, or as Dr. Laura would so delicately put it, I'm a "stupid whore who's shacking up". So if any of you want to take back those happy anniversaries before you're damned, go ahead...(just keep in mind that Dr. Laura did the same thing before she got on the radio, hehehehe...)

At 5/28/2006 6:23 AM, Blogger tshsmom said...

I'm telling Doug that you just added 5 years to his age!
As for Dr. Laura...dumb bitch doesn't understand Tourettes, but spouts off about it anyway!!

At 5/28/2006 10:21 PM, Blogger S.M. Elliott said...

Ok, *roughly* twice my age. :D
I didn't know Dr. Laura had ever talked about Tourette's...she's a doctor of marine biology or something, so she shouldn't!

At 5/29/2006 8:21 AM, Blogger tshsmom said...

She's a hot-button issue in TS circles. She recommended that a TS kid be excluded from a relative's wedding without knowing how severe his tics were. Her understanding of TS is copralalia. Dumb bitch!!

At 7/07/2006 11:59 PM, Blogger Hawkeyi's Blog said...

I'm almost twice the age but S.M.E has an old spirit to my "forever young"Dylan song that plays over and over and over in my head... somebody turn that dam radio down! S.M.E is so good to me, I love her alot!


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