Sunday, April 23, 2006

Rednecks No More

I haven't been in the blogworld much this week. I MISS all you guys! It's been a hectic week, but we've accomplished a LOT!

Z has been hogging the computer this week, doing his schoolwork. What a bad boy! I think Spring has helped get his creative juices flowing. He is currently working on a short story. I'll have him post it to his blog when he finishes.

We had beautiful weather, early in the week. In our spare time, we managed to get 3/4 of our yard raked. The other 1/4 is still too wet to rake. We finished raking just in time for it to dump rain on us for 2 days. The frost isn't completely out yet, so the water is standing in pools EVERYWHERE!

After MANY trips to the courthouse, we were finally granted a building permit for our garage. Now we're busy clearing the area for construction. We have several bushes to uproot, and a bunch of firewood residue to clear away.

L's brother, sister-in-law, and mother are here for a 3 day visit. Yesterday I had L and his brother load up the old water heater, two gas grills, an old wading pool, and other assorted clutter, to haul away to the recycling center. Our side yard is now officially DE-rednecked!

Z's room cleaning project got siderailed while we were working outside. Hopefully we will be able to finish it before garage construction begins.

I've got MANY blog topics running wild in my head. I hope that I will have time to write them soon. I hope that I will be able to catch up on your blogs this week.

Right now I have to go start breakfast and laundry, before my guests haul their butts out of bed.


At 4/23/2006 9:24 AM, Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

I have no idea how you do all that you do - I wish I had your level of industrious-ness. Is that a word? :-P

At 4/23/2006 12:32 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

It is now. ;)

At 4/23/2006 1:08 PM, Blogger Wandering Coyote said...

Glad to hear you got the building permit and can finally move forward with your garage project.

I don't know where you get the time or the energy either, but I'm glad someone has it.

At 4/23/2006 2:02 PM, Blogger S.M. Elliott said...

Your yard hasn't really been redneck since Darrell had his stupid orange truck parked there! :D

At 4/23/2006 4:47 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

We just do what HAS to be done, WC.

SME, I forgot about Darrell's truck! Technically, the way we got rid of that truck was grand theft auto. It would still be sitting here if we hadn't pulled our shady deal.

At 4/23/2006 5:43 PM, Blogger Squirl said...

You are a busy, busy woman. I can see why you use the profile pic that you do.

Nice to see you around again. :)

At 4/23/2006 8:00 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Squirl, SME drew that especially for my profile. She says I'm a busy beaver, with a toolbelt. ;0

At 4/23/2006 10:59 PM, Blogger Sadie Lou said...

Welcome back! I look forward to seeing more of you this week. Congrats on the project. As soon as the weather gets good and stays that way, I want to weed my front yeard.

At 4/24/2006 12:18 AM, Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

Thanks for checking in. Get some rest soon!!! ;-)

At 4/24/2006 1:13 AM, Blogger Sonja said...

Wowie! Congratulations on the de-redneckification. What a proud moment! ;)

At 4/24/2006 8:42 AM, Blogger Laura said...

Stories like this make me question my desire for home ownership. Sometimes it's nice to just pay rent for someone else to do all that crap. Downside of that is that they rarely do it the way you'd do it yourself if you could.

I don't know how you do it all. I wish it were contagious, I need some to rub off on me...

At 4/24/2006 8:43 AM, Blogger Laura said...

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At 4/24/2006 5:44 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

It wasn't our truck Bridg. A friend more or less abandoned it in our yard when he moved to Denver. It WAS ugly!

Thanks Sadie and Monica!

Euro, there were no lizards involved either. There were several mouse nests though. ;)

Laura, L has started saying that renting is sounding better to him every day. Kids and homes have a way of eating up all your money and time. :(

At 4/25/2006 7:33 AM, Blogger Faltenin said...

Congratulations on having a real life!!!

We're all so jealous, even though we'll never admit it ;o)

At 4/25/2006 1:52 PM, Blogger JR said...

Tshsmom, we're identical twins separated by a thousand miles. I've finally de-rednecked my front screened in porch, i.e., finally took care of all the Christmas decorations I'd been tossing there as I slowly undecorated trees, shrubs, and porch over the last 3 months. It's now lovely with furniture, plants, and windchimes. I also emptied and cleaned our Koi pond (nasty, wet, muddy, smelly business that), cleaned our garage and tool shed, assembled furniture for the back deck, pointed sufficiently and nodded admirably as my partner planted bushes where I directed and began our first garden at our new house. Oh, throw in a 5K or two, and I'm sure a few other events which escape me now, and I'm probably feeling as tired and satisfied as you are right now. :-)

At 4/25/2006 2:39 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Fal, I have a paintbrush and ladder waiting for anybody that wants to experience "real life". ;)
Just keep your fantasy world there for me to escape to.

VV, we gotta quit doing that; it's getting eerie. ;)
Isn't it amazing how quickly things stack up, when we start dumping them in one spot?

At 4/25/2006 8:30 PM, Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Z's room cleaning project got siderailed while we were working outside.

Heh, Junior's room cleaning project has a different excuse every day. :(

At 4/25/2006 10:22 PM, Blogger greatwhitebear said...

Congrats on your future garage.

And I envy you your de rednecked yard. I fear mine will never get that way until i get rid of the nineteen year old redneck who lives here!

At 4/26/2006 5:25 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Same here ZS. Unfortunately, I provided him with the latest excuse by putting him to work on the yard.

GWB, isn't it amazing how much STUFF we accumulate with kids?


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