Saturday, December 08, 2007

Alrighty Then....

I was just checking the searches that brought people to my blog. The most interesting hit, by far, is for "dedbods" from the UK. What makes this search interesting is that Google directed this person to my I Love Menards post. To my knowledge, Menards doesn't sell corpses.

I've been getting a lot of hits for Menards since I published that post. Perhaps they should put me on the payroll?

The search that aggravated me the most was "tourette pictures". I've posted several pictures of Z here. He looks like a normal kid, doesn't he? That's because he IS a normal kid! I take that back. Z isn't a "normal" kid. IMHO, he's better looking and more intelligent than a "normal" kid. SO THERE!!

I've also been getting a LOT of hits for dog poo ornaments. WHY didn't we patent our creation SME? I actually got an email from Things You Never Knew Existed, thanking me for mentioning their catalog. Yeah, yeah. How about paying me some money for stealing my idea?


At 12/08/2007 12:25 PM, Blogger Cherie said...

Wow! You could have made a fortune in poo ornaments. If only you'd known....

And yes, Z looks perfectly normal. What are the picture searchers thinking? Good grief. I agree with you that Z is quite an intelligent kid, smarter than most. And this I get just from reading your posts and some of his.

(I'm relieved to know that Menards does NOT sell corpses. I mean, really...)

At 12/08/2007 12:42 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Yeah, I NEVER thought that ANYONE outside of our family would appreciate dog poo ornaments. Whod'a thunk it? ;)

There are a lot of infantile minds out there, who are looking for cheap laughs like "The Tourettes Guy" offers. These idiots think that TS is a freak show, custom made for their entertainment. I've had some really disturbing hits from these deviates. ;(

I don't know. Some of Z's recent posts are a bit "out there". I guess he's just testing his wings.

At 12/08/2007 6:54 PM, Blogger ZC said...

"Out there"? :(

At 12/08/2007 7:57 PM, Blogger Squirl said...

Life just ain't fair. Or right, dedbods????

Sorry about the tourettes picture search. That sucks.

At 12/08/2007 8:55 PM, Blogger Bridget Jones said...

Can't those people spell???

Z does look perfectly normal.

I still think that someone makes up those search engine words....

At 12/08/2007 10:42 PM, Blogger S.M. Elliott said...

Oooh, that catalogue has a lotta nerve!!

Never heard of "dedbods". My weirdest search terms lately have been "camel urine in aspirin?" and "how was AIDS invented?"

At 12/09/2007 12:19 AM, Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

I've gotten some hits from some very bizarre searches. Interestingly enough, the sexual ones usually come out of islamic countries. lol.

At 12/09/2007 11:05 AM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Z, you gotta admit you've had a few weird posts lately. ;)

Squirl, that's one of the reasons I'm here. I want to overcome the TS stereotype! ;)

Blue, IMs and text-messaging have destroyed the english language! :(

SME, I KNOW...hmph!
You do realize that AIDS is a New World Order conspiracy, don't you? heehee

Monica, me too! I get hits for various "hairry" body parts from Islamic countries all the time. I'll be they're disappointed when they're directed to a picture of our DOG! ;)

At 12/09/2007 2:20 PM, Blogger none said...

My dog used to eat aluminum foil and would regularly make sparkly poop. I wish now I would have put hooks on them...

At 12/09/2007 4:53 PM, Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Normal kids suck! I'd be insulted when I was his age to be called a normal kid.

At 12/09/2007 5:53 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Hammer, we dropped the ball on this one, didn't we? ;)

ZS, Z is starting to appreciate a lot of his "abnormal" behaviors, such as not being owned by a cell phone, and being able to converse about current events.

At 12/09/2007 6:18 PM, Blogger Cherie said...

Z isn't owned by a cell phone AND can converse about current events! I knew I loved this kid!

(He sounds like my kids. Maybe I'm just prejudiced, huh? Nah, he - and they - are superior!)

At 12/10/2007 9:53 AM, Blogger tweetey30 said...

You know guys I have sitemeter and I have checked it every week since getting it and I dont have any searches. LOL.. It seems no one wants to check out my site.. LOL.. OH well..

At 12/10/2007 7:04 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Cherie, here's to our wonderfully abnormal kids!! Hurray!

Tweets, I don't think your sitemeter is working. I should have Z or L take a look at it.
I mailed your package today.

At 12/10/2007 8:50 PM, Blogger Jay said...

Hm. Those are some strange hits indeed.

At 12/10/2007 11:00 PM, Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Z's a smart kid. I've read his blog so I know this first hand. Yeah, he's definitely ahead of his peers. And not being owned by a cell phone is better than half the people I work with. ;)

At 12/11/2007 12:07 AM, Blogger S.M. Elliott said...

I'm working on AIDS denialism now. This vaccine/Western medicine paranoia is driving me up the wall. Every time I turn around there are three more people convinced every dr. on Earth is out to euthanize/sterilize/hypnotize them.

At 12/11/2007 9:23 AM, Blogger tweetey30 said...

Ok Thanks for the mitten thing. I got that in the mail yesterday. I will try and figure that out later. I am almost done with Zombie's blanket and that will be going out on Monday. I have another one to finish before mailing his. Just where I am not making several trips to the post office.

At 12/11/2007 1:20 PM, Blogger JR said...

I just had someone in the UK come to my page after a search on spatulas and turners. Remember that great debate? She left a comment too. Funny the odd things people search for. I'm really missing posting on a regular basis, but there's just no time. I'm promising myself to practice saying "no" after the first of the year, so I will have more free time. We'll see how long that resolution lasts. In the mean time, I'm still reading yours and another person's posts and trying to keep in the loop. Happy Holidays!

At 12/11/2007 6:23 PM, Blogger Mike S said...

I got here from Cherie's place and liked it, so I added to my favorites and settled in. As an aside, one of my former tenants(we own and live on the top floor of a 100+ yr old apt building)was a young college student with TS. He's long gone now with a family of his own working for Uncle Sugar in D.C.

At 12/12/2007 5:52 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Jay, I don't get many weird hits, but when I do, they're doozies!

ZS, THANKS! Your compliment meant a lot to Z. He really respects you and your opinions. ;)

SME, like we said before, they're not doing a very good job of it if Earth's population keeps GROWING!

Tweets, you're welcome! I've got some other patterns that you might be interested in too. We'll discuss those after Christmas.

VV, how could I forget? That post was hilarious. Good times.
I miss your posts too. It's time for some "me time" for YOU!

Mike, welcome aboard! We're all just simple folks here. You fit right in. ;)

At 12/13/2007 3:19 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I suppose the hope would be that these idiots who search for Tourettes thrills see your blog and learn something. Like, maybe it's not so funny when the kid with Tourettes is smarter and more mature than they are? Yeah, probably not.

I never get any good search hits, mostly for "Montana State Trooper" and "Rock me Gently". :(

At 12/14/2007 8:58 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

That's my hope Courtney. Of course, that would require them having to READ something, instead of just clicking on a video.

At 12/15/2007 3:25 PM, Blogger Gardenia said...

It irritates the S___ out of me when they know what my grandson's diagnosis is, and they think he looks "normal." A lot of people have their feet built really close to their mouths, eh? Our kids are so beautiful and such neat individuals I would not trade them for anyone's "normal" kid........... yaaaaaaaagaaa

At 12/15/2007 10:32 PM, Blogger C said...

Start planning for next years poop sales NOW! ^_^

At 12/16/2007 7:32 AM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Gardenia, LMAO about your foot-in-mouth comment!
Z has finally come to terms with his condition. He recognizes that his TS, and overcoming his handicaps, is part of what makes him who he is.

Candace, I wonder if Etsy would let me sell them there? I think I'll check that out in '08.


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