Sunday, November 26, 2006

"It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!"

We had a lovely, uneventful Thanksgiving dinner with my parents. No political or religious arguments....AND...after 2 years of bullying, my parent's dog decided to be friends with Hairry. Will wonders never cease?

We took advantage of 4 days off from work, to put up our Christmas decorations. Z was thrilled to discover that he can now reach the top of the tree without a stool! He recently surpassed L in height and feels giddy with the power. Look out SME; this means Z is taller than you too! I'm sure he'll rag you about it next summer. God knows how tall he'll be by then!

This is my favorite time of year! I LOVE all the preparations for Christmas. I have most of my shopping done, the package for SME's family is on its way to Edmonton, and the house is sparkling with festive decorations. I'm still in a bit of a funk though. Maybe it has something to do with the weather. I shouldn't complain...BUT...I'm sick of the sun shining on all the bare trees and brown ground! I'm sick of +50F weather! I want some cloudy, SNOWY days! I want snow NOW, not in March! I would welcome this weather in March, but now I want the appropriate weather for the season.

Oh well, next week we'll start the Christmas baking. Maybe the smell of Christmas goodies will dispel the gloom around here. In the meantime, I'll close the curtains, turn on the Christmas lights, light the pine scented candles, play my Christmas music and videos, and wait for the spirit to overtake me.


At 11/26/2006 10:01 AM, Blogger Bridget Jones said...

Ummmmm, tshsmom, you are the bestest person in the whole wide world and I love you dearly!


Would you like to come to my house and do all those things?

The shopping? The decorating? Sprinkle a bit of that spirit?

Yee gods!!!

Or am I a grinch?

Nah, must be I need more!!!!

Love you guys!!!

At 11/26/2006 11:21 AM, Blogger tshsmom said...

ND, I'd LOVE to come help you out! However, I think we'd get in way too much trouble if we went on a shopping binge together. ;)

I had my first coffee at 5 a.m., by the light of the tree. This did a lot to lift my spirits.
Love you too!

At 11/26/2006 12:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm yeah...there's nothing like a bunch of sunshine to drag a person down. I don't know how you've handled all those sparkling days up there!

Don't worry, the snow will come soon enough and everything will get all frosty and cold.

You are right about the weather being wrong for the holidays, but I don't want my snow to start until the middle of December when the Christmas parties start.

At 11/26/2006 12:10 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

LOL Shawn! I know! My opinion on the weather isn't very popular ANYWHERE.
What do you expect from a hobnail booted hag from Sticksville?

I'll bet you'd change your mind about the snow if I bribed you with Christmas cookies?

At 11/26/2006 3:26 PM, Blogger Squirl said...

Tee hee, I'm happy with the sunshine and no snow. But I'm from the South, originally, so Christmas can come and go without snow just fine. :)

I'm glad you're getting into the spirit. My close neighbors are putting up their lights and decorations so I get to see theirs without having to do the work myself. I love it.

At 11/26/2006 3:49 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Squirl, so far Z and I are the only ones bummed out about no snow. L keeps crowing about how beautiful the weather is. We may have to lock him in the garage until Christmas. ;)

At 11/26/2006 3:56 PM, Blogger Laura said...

We were actually able to get out on the motorcycle this weekend - I'm with you Shawn... I love the weather, but I hate the fact that it is just wrong for this time of year. Our Thanksgiving was pretty uneventful too this year. I did, however, have to sequester myself in the basement with a glass of wine when the kids started to get to me.

At 11/26/2006 4:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when it took sme to get to a proper height. lol... She was short for so long and then we hit high school and she grew all of a sudden. I am not picking on you just a funny memory sme. that must have been nice for him. we were suppose to have put our stuff up today but just didnt get around to it. i will bring the tree up tomorrow and maybe we will do it when J comes home from work.

At 11/26/2006 4:57 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Laura, that's gotta be a holiday record; neither of us got into asinine arguments with our families? WOW!

Tweets, I'll bet the girls are excited about putting up the tree. It's all magical to them. That's what I really love about the holiday season!

I remember when SME felt bad because her feet were smaller than all her friend's. I tried to tell her that wasn't a bad thing. Do you think she realizes that now?heehee

At 11/26/2006 6:19 PM, Blogger :| raven |: said...

i hope you had an excellent thanksgiving and that you have a great christmas.

i watched a really interesting show on either The Discovery Channel or TLC the other day with some advances in tourette's. it was a brain surgery where they implant electrodes deep in the brain in the area which controls tourettes ... and then is attached to a pacemaker type device which has a remote control. the results were remarkable. have you heard of such a thing?

i hope this finds you all well.

At 11/26/2006 7:55 PM, Blogger S.M. Elliott said...

Don't worry about the snow - I'll send you lots of parking-ramp pictures. ;D
I still have to stand on a chair to put the star on the tree, dangit. I may have had a growth spurt in high school, but it wasn't much of one!

At 11/26/2006 10:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would change my mind on a lot of things if people bribed me with Christmas cookies!

At 11/27/2006 6:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry sme I had to. Sometimes campared to me you were very tiny and then in high school it seemed at the end we were the same height so yes i have to stand on a chair also then but our tree isnt very big even if it is fake. Its also a prelit tree.

Here comes Santa Clause down Santa Clause's lane. LoL!!!! We have no snow here either but its suppose to rain the next three days off and then its suppose to be rain and snow mixed. i hate this time of year. Just wish it would snow and get it over with esp for J's job.

He drives in this stuff all the time but I worry when hes out there. I know his truck is bigger than most like a semi but not quite.

At 11/27/2006 12:40 PM, Blogger JR said...

Tshsmom, M and I are right there with you on the weather. Do you want to know where we went on Saturday? To the beach! We walked the full length of the boardwalk and back, sweating profusely on the way back because it had gotten so hot. A lot of people were in t-shirts and shorts! That is just so wrong for November! I did manage to haul up about 6 or 7 boxes of Christmas paraphernalia from the basement, but didn't get any decorations put up, too busy scanning old family photos for a photo album I'm putting together for my brother for Christmas. Be sure to post pictures of your first snowfall, for those of us doing without. *sniff, sniff*

At 11/27/2006 2:32 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Thanks Raven; same to you!
From what I hear, that surgery is pretty successful for people with crippling tics. So far, Z's tics just make some things difficult for him. Hopefully his tics will never advance to the crippling stage.

SME, for the love of GOD, go outside and take pictures from ANY other angle! Either that, or have SS wave from the parking ramp in your next pic. Variety would be refreshing. ;)

Shawn, I KNEW that! You've got "easy" stamped on your forehead. ;)

Tweets, we're supposed to get freezing rain tonight. We don't need that! I don't blame you for worrying about J.

VV, isn't this a crazy fall? First we get a bunch of snow in October, then we get unseasonably warm weather for the next month.

What a GREAT gift idea for your brother. You can catch him up on all the family events through pictures. I'm so happy that you're still in contact with him, and that he hasn't disappeared again!

At 11/27/2006 2:59 PM, Blogger JR said...

He's not disappearing on me again! I now have his social security number which he recently started using, plus I've put him on my cell phone account. From here on out I will have a complete record of all the people he calls or who call him and a great way to track him down if he goes missing again. Never underestimate the power of a determined sister! I don't plan on spending another 20 yrs. looking for him a second time. He laughed at how determined I was to find him. Especially when he was thinking all along that nobody wanted anything to do with him. He said he had no trouble handing over any identifying information I wanted if it meant I would never lose track of him again. Well alright then! ;-)

At 11/27/2006 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have updated my blog with that beta blog now i cant find how to get my pix in there. I have tried twice today to blog a new one for you guys. its called EAA Air Adventure. Its really neat but I cant find it. Its annoying. I should never have played with my blog. HELP ME SME.... Yes i hear its suppose to be very nasty up in MN.

At 11/27/2006 3:36 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

LOL; good thinking VV! I'm soooo happy for you and your entire family!

Tweets, email SME. She switched one of her blogs over to Beta. That's why I don't want to switch until I have to.

At 11/27/2006 8:06 PM, Blogger S.M. Elliott said...

V.V. You FOUND him?! OMG!!!! This is awesome!!!! I am so happy for you!!!!

T-29:Oh, pics are super-easy in Beta! I'll email instructions, but if you happen to read this first, all you have to do is click the little picture icon when you post, and it will give you the option of insterting a photo right into your text. You can also put photos in your sidebar.

At 11/27/2006 8:11 PM, Blogger Bridget Jones said...

OK OK I'm catching some of tshsmom's spirit!

but slowly.

and I'm still lazy and not shopping yet.

so SME, you like Beta? That's a first.

At 11/27/2006 8:39 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

ND, I'm still not switching. I hate all the windows you have to go through to comment.

At 11/27/2006 11:30 PM, Blogger Gardenia said...

I wish I could send you our "snow showers." I got out of church tonight, and the snow was blowing perpendicular, and I could not see over 6 feet ahead of me, and there was solid ice. I just got home. Brrrrrrrrrr. Thank goodness other people were too chicken to get out on the roads. I needed to grocery shop, but I'd rather go to work without coffee or breakfast than to stay out in cold, soaking snow. Me, I'm ready for a palm tree ChristmasQ!

At 11/27/2006 11:55 PM, Blogger S.M. Elliott said...

I LOVE Beta!! I was finally able to put "Hans, the not-so-flying pig" on my hoax blog, which I've always wanted to do. He didn't look right as an avatar. Plus it's user-friendly and has oodles of options; you don't have to tweak stuff as much. I'm sure the glitches will be smoothed out in time.

At 11/28/2006 1:07 AM, Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

tshsmom - I am very impressed that you've got all the decos up already. I just got the Thanksgiving stuff down. lol. I am also one of those people out there on Christmas eve finishing up my shopping..

The lit tree gets me in the spirit every time. I do so love the snow, too. Too bad I'm in Philly, it usually rains on Christmas. :-(

Hopefully this year we'll get some snow. I hope that you get some snow soon, too.

At 11/28/2006 3:41 AM, Blogger Miranda said...

NO funk allowed! Christmas Music and Hot Chocolate are musts! If those don't cheer you up, Youtube "Pop Goes the World" and TRY not to laugh.

At 11/28/2006 7:36 AM, Blogger JR said...

sme, I found him a number of months back. One of the many missing persons flyers I sent out paid off. I haven't posted any details about all this because my brother requested his privacy. His missing 20 years was very painful for him and he didn't want to feel exposed to the world. But I will be posting pictures and a story about our reunion when I see him at Christmas. :-)

At 11/28/2006 9:54 AM, Blogger S.M. Elliott said...

V.V., I'm really happy for you; it's great news. I hope you're able to make up for some lost time at Christmas! I am sorry to hear that his time away was difficult, though, and also hope he can get some healing now that's got a VERY caring sister back in his life.

I've always wanted Armenian business insurance. How did he know?

Miranda, I'm off to check out "Pop Goes the World."

At 11/28/2006 9:58 AM, Blogger S.M. Elliott said...

OK, that was hilarious. Nothing like some '80s pop cheesiness to start the day right!

At 11/28/2006 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We havent started shopping yet for the girls and we dotn bother really with presents for eachother. I get what i want for my b-day one month later anyway so i dont really bother with christmas for us adults. Its hard anyway since hes the only one working so hes paying for his own x-mas present anyway. LOL!!! Funny. I thought it was. Anyway I am having troubles getting pix on my blog yet but I did put up the new post anyway with out the pix. It kept asking for JGP or something and I couldnt figure out how to just drag the pix to the post. I am computer illerterate when it comes to this stuff. I have let sme know about my problems and she will get back to me when she has time. we are goign to get the girls a car they can actually drive. i cant remember what they are called but that and then a few small things that they can open up besides.

At 11/28/2006 1:52 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

D, today we've had alternating freezing rain, sleet, snow, and pouring rain. It's supposed to get cold tonight. By morning we should have an inch of ice covering EVERYTHING! :(

SME, I'll switch when you come home this summer. Then you can show me what to do. ;)

Monica, with a fake tree we like to have the decs up as long as we can. They get me in the mood to bake and shop for Christmas.

Miranda, yes ma'am; I'll get right on it! Have you got a baby's 1st Christmas ornament yet? ;)

Tweets, you're EARNING your share of J's paycheck taking care of the girls and managing your household!

At 11/28/2006 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You want cloudy, snowy days? I'll send it all your way. All 18 inches of the snow, and the inversion that keeps the cloud cover static for weeks!

Y'know, I really wish I could send you snow! :)

At 11/28/2006 3:33 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Courtney, judging by the weather map, I think your snow will be hitting us within the next couple of days, unless it all dumps on North Dakota first.

If you could package it up into smaller increments, other than 18 inches, I'd appreciate it. ;)

At 11/28/2006 3:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes true about his paycheck. I do alot around here. Well I guess I should be going. I have to go get K in an hour and then come home to find something for dinner.

At 11/29/2006 7:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got those pix posted this morning. Now all I have to do is go back and edit it a little I forgot to put a title on it. I guess I really dont need one but it helps. I just picked the ones I wanted this morning and blogged this and it asked me to sign in and it brought up the pix in the new box this morning and when I hit the publish button it did. So I must not have been doing something right yesterday. Well gotta run for now. talk later.

At 11/29/2006 12:20 PM, Blogger Squirl said...

Did you get your snow yet? We're getting some heavy rain and the temperature is in the 60s. This front will bring it down and snow is due starting Friday.

At 11/29/2006 5:20 PM, Blogger Josh said...

Oh, it always dumps on North Dakota first.

At 11/29/2006 6:51 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Squirl, we only got 1/4 inch of snow. We also got 9F temps with 30 mph winds. We've had -20F windchills all day. The cold froze all the rain and slush, that we got yesterday, into one gigantic skating rink.
I wore my winter jacket and gloves for the first time today.

Josh, after it dumps on North Dakota, it all BLOWS over here! ;)

At 11/30/2006 7:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yikes!!!!! We were suppose to get some pretty nasty weather last night but it misssed us thankfully. But it will hit when we arent expecting it to. But its cold anyway without the snow. When J left for work an hour ago it was somethign like 25 and the windchill was like 13 but I know you say that isnt cold but it is when you have had 50's all week so far. Its hard to be in the x-mas mood when there is no snow on the ground. But we will get more snow than we want soon enough.

At 11/30/2006 4:56 PM, Blogger Miranda said...

*Hop!* A late happy thanksgiving! I know what you mean by loving the preparations. I'm that way too!
Christmas is coming!

*brings you snickerdoodles!*

At 11/30/2006 5:49 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Tweets, it was -2F here this morning. You've got nothing to whine about. ;)

Miranda, mmmmm snickerdoodles. I haven't made those in a lonnggg time; thanks!
I just spent $25 for Christmas baking ingredients today, and that doesn't include the flour, sugar, butter, or pecans, which I already had. Uffda. ;)

At 11/30/2006 7:57 PM, Blogger Gardenia said...

Oh my - you are so incredibly organized. I just realized tomorrow is the first of Dec. and I'm feeling panic.............

two feet of snow up 40 miles from here - wish you had some of it!

At 11/30/2006 8:02 PM, Blogger NotClauswitz said...

You guys are among the Cadre of Cold!
We who don't know what "weather" really is only alert to earthquakes. ;-)

At 11/30/2006 9:11 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

D, I don't know if it's organization or necessity. We only have a limited amount of family time and/or free time. We have to make the most of it.

DC, I'll take cold and snow over earthquakes ANY day! ;)

At 12/01/2006 2:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We finally got three inches of snow today and the girls loved playing out in the snow while I shoveled the drive way and the front side walk. Its starting to look like Christmas here at least. i dont know if i can publish it or not because I have been having problems with it the last two days. I was trying to publish our new car and the front of the house but cant for some odd reason. The computer keeps resetting. Oh well I will get there. Well have a wonderful day and i will catch everyone later. OH by the way about the pattern you can either e-mail it to me or just post it up for me when you find it. Thanks again. I would love to learn how to make mittens.

At 12/01/2006 5:56 PM, Blogger Squirl said...

We were forecasted to get over a foot of snow. It was wet and heavy so it's probably more like 6 to 8 inches. More than my back was ready to shovel. :)

At 12/01/2006 8:40 PM, Blogger Jim said...

VEST is bad mouthing u again on my site

and on his

At 12/02/2006 11:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

TSHS - I feel like such a scrooge. I don't have any decorations up at all. Luckily, I'll be at my mom's house, and she usually goes all out. :-) Happy Decorating!!

At 12/02/2006 12:27 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Squirl, we finally got about 6 inches of light, fluffy snow last night.

Saby, I don't care!

Notta, I've often wondered if we will put up all the decorations when Z leaves home. I hope so! ;)

At 12/02/2006 8:35 PM, Blogger Bridget Jones said...

Tshsmom, caught your spirit. Only four presents left to get.

Thanks and (((((hugs)))))!


At 12/02/2006 8:35 PM, Blogger Bridget Jones said...

Tshsmom, caught your spirit. Only four presents left to get.

Thanks and (((((hugs)))))!


At 12/03/2006 6:00 AM, Blogger tshsmom said...

ND, excellent! You beat the stress of shopping during that last minute rush!

At 12/07/2006 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We will go get the girls presents in about two weeks right before x-mas. J gets his work bonus and that is what we shop with every year. I think we should start right after x-mas when everythign is on sale but before now we had no where to put stuff but who says that is what they will want when the next holiday comes around. Thanks fully his family doesnt invite us to there house for x-mas or any of the holidays so we only have two children to buy for instead of six. his sister has four kids. and then plus the adults so its nice its just us the last few years.


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