Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Let's All Kiss MNCARE Goodbye!

I know that a lot of you are pretty psyched about the results of yesterday's election. I've got mixed feelings about the nat'l elections. It appears that the people have been heard in their disapproval of the Bush administration. I'm fine with that; the people have spoken. BUT, will anything in Congress change, or will it continue to be a pissing contest between the Republicans and Democrats? Will they keep their campaign promises and work for their constituents? Time will tell.

The Minnesota and local elections were a HUGE disappointment to me! Tim Pawlenty was re-elected, by a narrow margin, as governor. Last year Pawlenty stole money from the MNCARE fund, so he could balance his budget without raising taxes. I'm sure he'll do the same this year. Another budget cutting ploy was to reduce state aid to communities and schools. Most local governments in the state were forced to drastically raise property taxes, so they could maintain their fire and police departments, and schools. College tuition, in Minnesota, has risen 50%, as a result of Pawlenty's cuts. Pawlenty proudly claims that HE didn't raise any taxes, local gov'ts did.

Pawlenty was thrilled when his 2 pet projects were passed by the legislature last year. The first project is construction of a commuter rail from the Twin Cities to St Cloud. I did the math when the figures came out on this project. It will cost the taxpayers $350,000 per potential rider of this railroad. For that price, we could build each of these commuters a beautiful new house that's closer to their workplace. Pawlenty's second pet project will bring us THREE new football stadiums! Yeppir, I'll gladly sacrifice my health insurance for football.

I pretty much voted anti-incumbent all the way. My only winner was Amy Klobuchar. James Oberstar will continue to stuff his pockets, after being re-elected to Congress, while selling his constituents down the river.

I've only got one thing to say to Pawlenty and the people who voted for him: BITE ME!


At 11/08/2006 7:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't follow this election as closely as I normally do. I was not surprised that The Governator got re-elected. Not that I support him, but when his competition comes off as a whiny jerk, he doesn't have to try that hard to keep office. :-/

At 11/08/2006 7:33 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Notta, I think a lot of politicians win because they don't have any DECENT competition. :(

At 11/08/2006 10:48 PM, Blogger :| raven |: said...

all i care about is that it's much bluer in Colorado these days .. as well as across the country.

let's hope this is the wind of change that our government so desperately needs ....

At 11/08/2006 11:27 PM, Blogger Sonja said...

We re-elected an Austrian actor for governator. That is all I have to say about that.

At 11/09/2006 6:56 AM, Blogger Laura said...

Sorry about Pawlenty. I know you wanted him gone very badly.

I have mixed feelings about the national elections too. On the one hand, I'm glad that Bush, et. al. will have to actually WORK to push any distasteful agenda items through. However, I'm tired of the barage of MoveOn and Michael Moore emails I got over the past 24 hours saying things like "Mission Accomplished"... Um no. Mission not accomplished, far from it. This is an opportunity for Dems to show what they're about. To show us what they stand for. Mission Accomplished would mean that the Dems actually DO something with this newfound power. So all we can do is wait and see.

At 11/09/2006 8:01 AM, Blogger JR said...

I agree with Laura. We haven't accomplished our mission. If you think about it, and I'm not the first one to say or think this, the Democrats didn't win because they had a good platform or any real plan for America. The voters didn't vote "for" the Democrats, but rather "against" the Republicans. We've got a lot of work to do cleaning up the messes of this Administration and the last 12 years. To keep the seats the Dems now have and to have any hope at the White House, we need to push through legislation that helps the average person (minimum wage and health care) and then do something about all the jobs going off-shore and this sucky economy. If we accomplish that, there's plenty of cleaning up to be done in the environment, in the area of social equality, updating and rebuilding our infrastructure (bridges, roads, railroads, etc.), a realistic energy policy and alternative energy switch overs. Yes, the big automakers are going to need a nudge in that direction by both the consumer and government or it'll take twice as long to get it done. Anyway, I'd better stop, I can feel a long political rant coming on and I might as well save it for a post on my own blog. ;-)

At 11/09/2006 2:15 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Raven, all we can do is hope; it's in their hands now.

Euro, don't feel bad; we used to have a pro-wrestler. :(

Laura and VV, that's exactly my feelings on the subject. They'd better do something GOOD with the power!

At 11/09/2006 5:32 PM, Blogger Hawkeyi's Blog said...

BUT, will anything in Congress change, or will it continue to be a pissing contest between the Republicans and Democrats? (I think it will Continue) Will they keep their campaign promises and work for their constituents? (Not Likely, never have before) I can't see any major change but I'm happy the better between the two evils winning the day but America's fate is in the hands of the board rooms, ceo's and major corporate ownership of America. I'm not complaining over the short sight of this, hey they pay our bills and helps me help my family , just calling a spade a spade. Too bad they're not accountable for the way they run the country. The profiteers of the war in Iraq are some of whom I feel should be accountable for war crimes against humanity. In today's reality It wont matter anyways. I'm certain we will always be led by this invisible government and the visible minority Republicans and Bush administration will take the fall-out from the wrath of it's people and the world. In the end they are paid off comfortably and retire without accountability for there actions (Mission Accomplished) A new crop of politicians move up to the plate of being Capitalist puppets. Pawlenty is just another patsy.

At 11/09/2006 9:11 PM, Blogger Bridget Jones said...

I'm so glad that you guys CARE!! Be glad you don't live up here.

No one cares about much. Except the crooks and the language police.

At 11/09/2006 10:33 PM, Blogger Vest said...

If you dig deep you will always find dirt, our state MP has just been sacked, for being naughty with young boys, posting on this later. So Mr Tim did win, too bad, maybe one of the gun vigilantes in your area can sort him out, isn't that your style.

At 11/09/2006 11:21 PM, Blogger Gardenia said...

Pawlenty sounds like he should be jailed! I'm beginning to think that being crooked as a snake is a prerequisite for most politicians. It absolutely discourages good people from getting involved in politics.

Well, you know the story over here in Wyo. One rejected candidate went so far over the edge she became an on-line/telephone stalker.

I'm so glad that this will be all over soon (they were STILL recounting ballots when I left at 8:00 pm tonight).....then we can shift where we may be led, and some normalcy (whatever that is) will return. Maybe.

tshsmom, is all of Minnesota in sort of a slump?

At 11/10/2006 4:11 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

SS, all we need is ONE politician to start the ball rolling on reforming the system. Where we'll find him/her, I don't know.

ND, our county had a 75% voter turnout. Not bad, eh?

Vest, WHERE do you get those ideas? I'm 51 yrs old, and have yet to meet a vigilante. Don't believe everything you see in the movies.

You'd better sweep your own doorstep first! YOU'RE the one talking about going to India with your sons, to beat up a pathetic blogger.

Diana, MNCARE was the only state-run insurance that was operating in the black. Pawlenty diverted their funds to balance his budget. Hundreds of people became ineligible for the program as a result of his 'thievery'! Some of the people were on dialysis. 9 people died as a direct result of losing their coverage. I don't know how the man sleeps at night!

Yes, MN is in a slump. Especially the northern half of the state. :(

At 11/10/2006 4:53 PM, Blogger Wandering Coyote said...

Did you see the Michael Moore show where he tried to run a ficus tree against an incumbent because no one else was running. The ficus would have won!

Anyhow, I cannot believe the f*cked up priorities down there. Universal health care that is affordable for everyone is a basic human right.

ND: Hey, I care - big time!

At 11/10/2006 6:54 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

LOL, WC! I keep saying that our dog would have been a better candidate in a lot of the races.

Pawlenty thinks sports stadiums and overpriced commuter trains are more important. :(

At 11/10/2006 7:16 PM, Blogger Vest said...

tshsmom. Shoot saby, indeed not, we intend to unleash a more far more sinister demise for Saby Dasouza Esq, heaps of intolerable pain is envisaged during the process.
Remember, I know little about guns.
Saby has been advised to put in some overtime on his Prayer Mat.

At 11/10/2006 7:18 PM, Blogger S.M. Elliott said...

Attack ads against a ficus - now THAT would be entertaining...
"My opponent hasn't left his own backyard this year. He just sits around and photosynthesizes...and YOU'RE paying for it!"

At 11/10/2006 8:56 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Vest, I DO BELIEVE that I said BEAT UP, not shoot! Vigilante justice is about VIOLENCE, not firearms.
Let me reiterate what's been said here before, by my good friends: get some help; an anger management class would do you a world of good!

At 11/10/2006 9:44 PM, Blogger Vest said...

tshs, I am too cool to get angry, I just hope saby does not turn out to be a woman, the reason being , I do not assault women, however I would put my blind eye to the telescope should someone else choose to do the task.

Competition: If there is no one available in the preselection choice other than Mr Tim P, its up to you lefties to provide one, Next Time!!
Remember one mob will skin you from the toenails up and the other mob from the ear holes down.

At 11/10/2006 11:26 PM, Blogger Wandering Coyote said...

SME: those are attack ads I'd love to see! The ones right I've seen recently on US TV are atrocious.

At 11/12/2006 2:50 PM, Blogger Vest said...

Anger Management indeed.
Yesterday Sunday 4 pm. Left 3 steaks in a cloth covered tray in the garden while the barby was getting hot. I came down minutes later and a neighbours dog was seen scarpering off through our garage.
No need for any more info, i'll let you guess. oh yes the c/oil was spilt on the concrete floor too.

At 11/13/2006 3:11 PM, Blogger NotClauswitz said...

Your troll continues to project his fragmented and broken images like a crazy kaleidescope, and the pissing contest resumes in DC.
As one guy said, there's two parties: the Stupid and the Evil (often interchangeable) and when they get together to do something really evil and stupid it's called "bipartisanship"...

At 11/13/2006 3:28 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

DC, I LOVE those definitions! Soooo TRUE!
Re the Troll, looks like craziness is a worldwide thing. :(

At 11/14/2006 12:52 AM, Blogger Vest said...

dirtcrasher just another gun loving dangerous freak who gets his rocks off on the smell of cordite.

At 11/14/2006 11:20 AM, Blogger NotClauswitz said...

It's not cordite and hasn't been for years and years - get with the times!
Even on ships they used BP in the big inch-guns, one whould expect a sailor to know that...

At 11/14/2006 5:50 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Nice one DC! You think pretty clearly for a 'dangerous freak'. ;)


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