Scrunch's Attic

Last weekend, carpentry work was the LAST thing on my agenda. L(Scrunch), had other plans, however. He was complaining that he had a lovely stairway, installed in the garage, that led to bare rafters. L had hoped that we could have had time to sheet and insulate the attic portion of the ceiling. He had been dreaming of an easily accessible area to store our Christmas decorations after the holidays.
Sooooo, we once again strapped on our toolbelts, charged up the drilldrivers, unfolded the ladders, made a trip to Menards, and completed our last carpentry project of the year (hopefully).
L is ecstatic, which makes me happy. "Scrunch's Attic" was well worth one more weekend of back-breaking labor. Unfortunately, this means that we have to complete our winterization projects the cold, gray, blustery, snow-spitting Minnesota weather!
My apologies to my readers if our summer's projects have bored you. I have several, faraway friends and family members, who have been following our projects on my blog. These loved ones only comment via email (they don't quite GET blogging). Their reviews have been quite enthusiastic. I have also been contacted, via Google searches, by other DIYers, who have questions about replacing subfloors, insulating, toilet repair, and outdoor painting. I hope I have been of some help to you.
This leads me to make a comment on the true spirit of blogging. My blog has ALWAYS been a commentary on our "boring" lives. This blog shares our day-to-day struggles and accomplishments. We ARE simple people. Life CAN be boring. DEAL WITH IT! There are plenty of blogs out there that are devoted to politics, veganism, atheism, and pornography. Sadly, there are also blogs devoted to "trolling" certain groups of people. These people enjoy "stirring the kettle" by making the lives of kind-hearted people miserable. I WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS BEHAVIOR on my blog. As a result, I have disabled anonymous commenting. Most people, who have had questions about TS or DIY, have contacted me via email, so this shouldn't be a problem. My apologies to my ONE desireable anonymous commentor, our granddaughter. Sorry Dems, SME will have to set you up with a blogger identity.
One of my readers has been quite vocal, and nasty, about the content of my blog. The last few months, I have been plagued by rude comments about women, lawyers, North Americans, our DIY projects. and BACON(of all things). I deleted the comments that were insulting to my friends. I left the rest of the comments up, in the true spirit of freedom of speech.
My final word on this subject is: If you don't like my blog, don't read it! The blogworld is FULL of many diverse subjects. Find blogs that you enjoy reading; I have!
Jeese not another DIY Building saga cripes, im off.
Bacon offends me, personally. ;)
I enjoy reading about your "boring" lives and your home imporvement projects. It's been fun to read about the garage being built step by step. Keep on keeping on!
LOL, Euro!! I thought it was CHICKEN that repulsed you?
I'm thoroughly enjoying your saga too. Misery LOVES company! How about posting some pictures? I can't wait to see your tile job!
I can't wait either. Ha! We're still putting down backerboard, and it's almost 9am. Our day officially ends at 1:30, when we need to shower and get ready to go to grandpa's house. I don't see the tiling happening for a while!
Yeah, it's a BUGGER, trying to fit DIY projects into our everyday lives! That's why it's taken us all summer to accomplish what we have. :(
I love your blog too, tshsmom. You guys are the best and did you know, you are among my first blogbuds? Yeppir.
Your guts, DIY-itivity etc. amaze me. Like european says, keep on keeping on.
Will need DIY help too eventually. When the energy returns, lol!
Thanks ND! Yeah, we've been best buds for quite a while now. I'm grateful for that! ((((((hugs))))))
YOU amaze ME! Singlehandedly maintaining TWO HOUSEHOLDS is a superhuman task. Get some rest pal!
Heehee, "Scrunch's Attic" - aardvark puppets with beanies show you how to make peanut butter sandwiches!
There may be other, more specialized blogs out there, but only this one has lawyers, chickadees, skunks, assorted other wildlife, boring DIY projects, AND bacon.
Anyway, we're off to get rid of the obnoxious talking butler and I'll probably send some pics when we get back...
SME, TAPE, don't forget the tape!! In this case it would be duct tape, rather than scotch tape, but any self-respecting children's show MUST HAVE TAPE!! ;)
I guess I AM rather diverse, aren't I? Don't forget our Christmas dog turds. That makes me truly unique.
I'm surprised that you didn't jump on the "boring" bandwagon; considering all the times you told Dad and I to "Get a life!" ;)
Maybe SS can buy you a Christmas Alice Cooper? I know you'll miss him. heehee
I loved your freedom of speech arrangements. delete some but mot the others,a fiendish way of administering equality, love my guns or i'll blow your head off attitude, ah well its your brain I doubt if anyone else can fathom it out better than your divine self.
Have a happy hammering day.
This isn't boring. I am amazed actually. lol! An attic. I can't believe it. We would never be able to pull that one off - me and The Troll. Never.
I was gonna mention tape, but did I really have to? Heehee.
No, none of this is boring. The toilet diagram was a little dull for me personally, but at least that was unique too. ;D
You can bore me with DIY all you want...I'm pretty amazed at what you guys have done!
I wish I had my own place right now, so I could do some projects although knowing me that would just mean putting off all the projects that need doing.
And isn't bacon a staple of life? It's pretty much the best part of breakfast.
tshsmom -- I swear I did not leave you any comments about bacon. I mean, I may have blogged about it at some point, but really, I think bacon is a highly personal matter. ;)
I have definitely enjoyed reading about all your projects this summer and autumn... It inspires me as to how much three determined people can accomplish.
I never understood what compells people to leave nasty comments - seriously - what kind of miserable life must you have to have nothing better to do than to attempt to harrass people you don't even know? Get a life, or an inflatable party sheep if you're that desperate. seriously.
Nice attice. My dad put one in their garage when they had it built. It's great storage space!
Blogger is being naugty so if you get this more than once, my apologies
Monica, it's actually a fairly simple project. It's just very grueling, holding the sheets over your head, while you screw them in place.
SME, I seem to remember you guys getting excited over a new toilet seat too. *smirk*
Thanks Shawn! When you get your own place, you'll need a wife to nag you. That works for Scrunch! ;)
-r, you're much too thoughtful to EVER leave a nasty comment.
Laura, I don't get it either. LMAO about the sheep. Z found a website that sells USED inflatable dolls....EWWWW!!
I'm happy to see that you survived your birthday.
Oh my goodness! The things that occur over a long weekend! Congrats on finishing the attic. We're behind on our projects due to quite of bit of play time recently. Expect to see more DIYing on my blog as well.
VV(or should I refer to you as MS Baconite?heehee), Good, you finally got tired of tormenting me with stories of your fun weekends! ;)
I look forward to your DIY posts! You have a knack for making something from nothing.
Geez, I'm sorry you had some downer comments...I'm with you, if people are bothered by the blog, why comment? Go on to something else! I find your blog inspiring, actually - really! So don't change a on!
I had a comment from a guy who liked porn and thought I was cute. (I had better put up an older lady piccy.) At that time I realized a privacy control might be good!
I had tried to get my husband to help me get our garage attic in Florida useful. It has wonderful wooden steps - but he had a fit. He put the freezer under the steps so no one can get them down! That might partly explain why I'm in Wyo and he's in FL :) The way you folks work together is inspiring..............AND Bacon and chicken both ROCK!
Thanks Diana, that was so sweet!
Most of our DIY projects are about storage. I HATE clutter! THEN, we have all the kid's memorobelia stored away for them.
We're not actually all that inspiring, just ask SME. We crab at each other, all the way through our projects. BUT, we get it done, AND we still love each other at the end of our projects. No small accomplishment, believe me. ;)
What with Laura advocating the use of inflated sheep and Z trolling the porn blogs to purchase a used inflatable doll for sexual gratification, leaves me with little doubt about your failing to come up with the goods within your Boudoir.
Age shall not weary them nor the years comdemn.
Have a Frolicking good day xxxxx
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I'm having truoble with blogger too, very slow...
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Nancy drew: Blogger trouble, Not half as much as I am copping. Verbally I should be deceased by now.
Amen sister. These blogs that we own are our journals. We can write whatever we want to and people have the choice to read them or leave them and if they are bored or offended--LEAVE!
I love you.
We have been blog buddies forever--I feel comfortable with you and our little blogging journey together.
You're one of the few people out there that I know would never leave me....
Good going on your DIY projects.
Oh my goodness! The things people will say from behind a computer screen!
True to my word, I have deleted the comments that are insulting to my friends. The comments that are insulting to ME, have been left up. I'm used to dealing with difficult people, so don't worry about me. ;)
I'm sorry that those comments weren't removed immediately, but I DO have to sleep, work, and take care of my family.
If anybody wants to read them, let me know. I'll email them to you.
FYI, I KNOW that 10 out of 11 of you know this, but apparently it needs clarification for the last 1.
Z is my SON.
L is my HUSBAND.
ND, I'm glad it's not just me. I was blaming my server. ;)
Thanks Sadie; I LOVE you too!!
You, and your former problem, are one of the main reasons I've been doing a little detective work on this subject. Some people haven't learned that you don't mess with my friends and family!
VV, sad isn't it?
STOP picking on VEST
i just got an SOS from VEST
u dont eat PORK?
I love your blog. You guys blow me away, both with your DIY projects and with your homeschooling of Z. You are amazing people.
You know, I barely have time to get around to the blogs I like. How bored must people be to go to blogs they don't like, and take the time to leave stupid comments???
You guys are an inspiration. :)
If y'all think bacon is bad, try tofu bacon! Saltier than the Dead Sea, and almost as tasty.
Sorry you've had trouble with commenters - too bad not everyone gets the true spirit of blogging.
I just love little attic spaces, and am now jealous of yours. All of our extraneous items go into the cold storage unit that I have never learned to use as a pantry - it's much less romantic.
There was no SOS call to saby.However his sudden affection comes as a surprise. maybe you lot of whining winnies can entertain him.sure cant take criticism can you, go careful up that ladder. fancy you allowing a juvenile to troll porn sites for second hand used blow up dolls. you should be thorouhly ashamed.
There was no SOS call to saby.However his sudden affection comes as a surprise. maybe you lot of whining winnies can entertain him.sure cant take criticism can you, go careful up that ladder. fancy you allowing a juvenile to troll porn sites for second hand used blow up dolls. you should be thorouhly ashamed.
There was no SOS call to saby.However his sudden affection comes as a surprise. maybe you lot of whining winnies can entertain him.sure cant take criticism can you, go careful up that ladder. fancy you allowing a juvenile to troll porn sites for second hand used blow up dolls. you should be thorouhly ashamed.
Thanks for the suggestion Jay!
I never thought of the attic as romantic, BUT...any port in a storm. Yeah, L and I can lock the garage doors, and head to the attic, whenever we need to get away from it all. ;)
Sorry SME, you can uncover your ears now...LALALALA! heehee
AWWWWWW, thanks Squirl!! We love you too!
I'm happy to see you out and about again! Did you get everything unpacked?
I just wanted to put in my 2 cents-I really like reading your blog. It inspires me that when I finally get a house I will be able to do a lot of fixing myself. There is some things that you have done this summer that I never would have assumed that I, as an average person, could do without professional help.
Thanks Heathen!
When you get to that point, let me know. I'd be happy to help out all that I can.
Nice work, practically troll-proof, insulation is a good thing always, but keep a gun handy!
DC, troll-proof would be great. It looks like I'll need more than insulation and OSB for that. :(
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