Sunday, July 29, 2007

He Got a Wii!

We managed to make one of Z's dreams come true today. I found a Wii for Z, and only got scalped $60. Not bad, considering most online scalpers want $600 for one....NO WAY!

In May, while on our trip to the Twin Cities, we searched every store we came across for a Wii. We found tons of XBox 360s and PS3s, but not ONE Wii.

L insisted on buying a second set of controllers. He had played with Z's friend's Wii, and was instantly hooked. So, it looks like this will be the only game system that we'll play as a family.
Catch you later....I'm off to create my Mii!

Here he is, happily herding sheeplike creatures on his new Wii Zelda game!


At 7/29/2007 12:17 PM, Blogger Sonja said...

I'm not a friend of video games, but wii=awesome.
Happy birthday, Z!

At 7/29/2007 1:08 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Me neither Sonja, but this thing IS neat!

At 7/29/2007 3:13 PM, Blogger Jeannie said...

Do stretches before doing any sports like golf or bowling - not kidding you - it's like the real thing!
And congrats for getting it at a steal!

At 7/29/2007 3:26 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Thanks for the advice Jeannie! The guys haven't let me play yet. :(

At 7/29/2007 7:35 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

This is me, and I'm jealous! Especially since I lurve Zelda.

At 7/29/2007 8:41 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Courtney, you'd really love this one. You can do a lot of neat things with the motion controllers.

At 7/29/2007 10:39 PM, Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

You got a Wii for only $60? You rock!

Happy b-day Z!

At 7/29/2007 10:40 PM, Blogger Bridget Jones said...

Other than the ads, am completely ignorant of Wii.

Which is OK....Z looks quite happy!

At 7/29/2007 10:40 PM, Blogger Bridget Jones said...

p.s. Very happy birthday, Z!!!!

At 7/30/2007 12:39 AM, Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

How did you get a WII for such a good price???!!!

Happy Birthday to Z!

At 7/30/2007 10:03 AM, Blogger tweetey30 said...

I cant believe I forgot his b-day. But happy b-day buddy and enjoy your present since like Sonja I am not a big fan of video games.

At 7/30/2007 11:03 AM, Blogger Wandering Coyote said...

Ah, the Wii rocks! And I'm not a gamer at all! When my brother got his, we were all playing bowling (where my dad continually kicked our asses) and golf. I also like the tennis. Lots of fun, and interactive, too, unlike a lot of vid games.

At 7/30/2007 1:39 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

ZS, I WISH! I meant I had to pay $60 over retail, to a scalper, as that's the ONLY way you can get one right now. :(

Bridg, I wouldn't have known about it either if it wasn't for my gamer guys.

Monica, it was $299, not such a good price. :(

WC, this is the first console game I've played since the old Atari 2600. It's so unique. So far, L is the bowling champ, and Z is the golf champ. I wanna play tennis!

At 7/30/2007 1:53 PM, Blogger Laura said...

That is the only console system I think I'm intereseted in at all. We have the Xbox 360, and by accident, we managed to get a PS3 (for free no less). The PS3 is only used to play blue-ray movies, and it seems the 360 is only used for the free downloadable arcade games and to play DVDs. I don't like any of the games for either. But I think I could get hooked on a Wii... but we'll have to wait till we buy a place and have more room...

Have fun!!

At 7/30/2007 4:08 PM, Blogger none said...

I've been trying to get one for my son since may, and it's a no go so far.

I'm not about to do $400 on Ebay either.

Congrats, they really are a lot of fun.

At 7/30/2007 6:31 PM, Blogger Gardenia said...

We have a Wii too - my daughter bought it, I think the last one in town, and I said what in the heck is a Wee? Anyway, now with arms waving in the air and shouts - everyone is having a good time! Wish I had thought up the concept!

At 7/30/2007 8:41 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Laura, there are a few computer games I like, but I've never found a console game I'm interested in...until now. Bowling ROCKS!

Hammer, I can't understand why they don't produce more systems! They'd make a killing on their peripherals and games.
I refused to pay $400-$600 too.

Gardenia, I'm encouraged by the way the Wii is bringing families together to play games again. We love board games, but we have never played console games as a family.

At 7/30/2007 9:20 PM, Blogger Cherie said...

You can tell Z that there are two girls here who know exactly how he's feeling with his Wii and with Zelda. I showed them your pictures and they said, "What a lucky kid to get a Wii for his birthday!" (Our Wii was my birthday gift to myself - but I share....boy do I share. Glad Z does, too.)

We all enjoy all the sports. Tom particularly loves the golf, I adore tennis, Cassie is our resident boxer, Caroline is the bowler, and we all like baseball. It's so great for families! WC got me started on it when she talked about it on her blog. I'm glad she did. We enjoy it almost every day.

I'd love to see your Mii!

At 7/31/2007 11:16 AM, Blogger Wandering Coyote said...

Yeah, the Miis are really fun! It's interesting that so many of your readers are having a hard time finding a Wii. You'd assume there were tons of them everywhere...

At 7/31/2007 3:45 PM, Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

We finally got a Wii a while back and I love it. I like the game that comes with it - the sports. But H's sister also lent us Rayman, which is fun and challenging. Z might like it. But stuff for the Wii is pretty expensive (extra controllers). The best investment we made for the Wii was the rechargeable remote. It goes through too many batteries.

At 7/31/2007 10:57 PM, Blogger Sadie Lou said...

My kids have a Wii too. Trust me when I say you will soon be addicted to making little Mii people of everyone you know! Happy Birthday!
Guess what? I'll be homeschooling through a charter school this year!

At 8/01/2007 7:01 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Cherie, we're looking at it as a family investment for those long winter nights that are coming up. L and I have some Amazon credits to cash in. We're gonna buy Wii Play. The game comes with another controller so all 3 of us can play together.
Z created my Mii, and did an excellent job!

WC, the only Wii I could find was through a scalper on Amazon. :(

Notta, Z LOVES Rayman! I'm sure the Wii version will be on his Christmas list.

Sadie, Z is already addicted to creating Miis! He has already created them for our whole extended family and all of his friends, plus a few celebrities. You should see his Michael Jackson. ;)

I KNOW that you'll be a terrific homeschooler. What made you decide to take the leap?

At 8/03/2007 12:27 AM, Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Ah, my bad. I guess I should have read that more closely.

At 8/03/2007 9:16 AM, Blogger Rhea said...

To be honest, I've heard of Wii but have no idea what it is exactly.

At 8/03/2007 3:38 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

ZS, I didn't word it very well. :(

Rhea, LOL, I wouldn't have heard of it either, if it wasn't for my gamer guys.

At 8/03/2007 9:31 PM, Blogger C said...

I hear Wii is AWESOME! Happy Bday Z and I hope you Wiilly enjoy your Wii! ^_^

At 8/04/2007 6:16 PM, Blogger Squirl said...

Happy Birthday to Z! The Wii does sound kind of interesting, though I'm not a game player, either.

At 8/05/2007 8:34 AM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Squirl, I feel honored that you took time out of your vacation to visit me!!
Have fun and take LOTS of pictures! ;)

At 8/05/2007 8:36 AM, Blogger tshsmom said...

LOL Candace!
Wii're ALL wiilly enjoying it! ;)

At 8/06/2007 9:06 PM, Blogger JR said...

Finally getting back to checking blogs. Happy Belated Birthday to Z. The Wii is so much fun! We play it as a family and actually have neighbors and friends come over to play. We favor the sports (golf, bowling, baseball). My arms get so sore after playing though. How out of shape am I?!

At 8/06/2007 9:28 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

VV, that's what I love about it. It's such a fun, family activity! We just ordered WiiPlay, which is supposed to be similar to the sports pack. comes with another controller, so all 3 of us can play together. ;)


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