Circular Notions

Our first obstacle has been this crazy spring weather. We're just now getting tiny leaves on the willow and poplar trees here. When it isn't raining or snowing, we've had days with 50 mph winds. We haven't had a single day that it's been dry or windless enough to rake our yard. Grass is now sprouting haphazardly amongst the leaves....*sigh*. I guess we'll just have to mow through this mess, THEN run the dethatcher blade over the lawn. Bassackwards all the way this year!
The picture above was taken 2 yrs ago. This is the area of our back yard where we tie out the dog. This has always been the low spot of our yard that flooded with every heavy rain. We had our contractor dump the soil he dug up for our garage into this area. We WERE going to immediately remove the rocks in the soil, rototill, rake, and seed this area.....
Two years later, this spot is overgrown with grass and weeds that can only be cut with a hand-held weedeater. This area is now the high point of the back yard that cuts off the drainage for the rest of the back yard. NOW, the rest of the back yard floods when it rains. Sooo....first priority--LANDSCAPE THE BACK YARD!
First step, put away the snowblower, and bring out the rototiller and lawn mower. Umm...yeah...the side yard is too wet to move this heavy equipment without seriously rutting up the side yard....SHIT! No problem...Z and I installed fluorescent shop lights and a wall shelf in the garage. NOW we can get the summer equipment ready to roll...except the rototiller won't roll ANYWHERE....busted belt....SHIT! L spends 2 mornings, before work, removing the old belt and running all over town shopping for a new belt. Then he discovers that he needs 4 more hands to install the new belt. Sooo, instead of tilling the yard last weekend, we spent an entire afternoon getting the new belt on the rototiller....DAMMIT!
The rest of the week we managed to untarp the camper, declutter the small shed, and fill in the ruts in the driveway. We have a 3-day weekend this weekend. According to the forecast, today will be the only rain-free day we have to: turn the compost pile, weed-eat, till, and mow. But first we have to dig the hose-reel out of the generator shed, so we can hose off the tiller tines between rounds. Hopefully it will now stay warm enough that the hose won't freeze up anymore. CRAP..we need to put air in the wheelbarrow WHERE did we store that inflater for the winter? At least I know where we put our leather work gloves....they're in the wheelbarrow. That reminds me...I need to bring out the rubber boots. As long as the boot box is open, I should put away the winter boots. Oh long as I have these boxes down, I might as well put away the winter coats I've washed. Yup, there goes ANOTHER hour down the drain. *sigh*

Aww CRAP! WHY can't anything be simple? I'm getting dizzy!