Z has been preparing for his future by learning to cook. He's been learning how to make all his favorite dishes. He even tackled turkey pie, including making the pie crust. Now he's learning to bake. The boy likes his sweets and knows that he'll never be able to afford store-bought baked goods when he's living on his own.
Z has overcome the panic attacks he was having about driving. Every day, after work, we've been honing his driving skills. He's doing quite well, but still has to work his way up to driving downtown.
Our October weather has been HORRIBLE! We've only had 2 sunny days all month. The rest of the days have been rain mixed with snow or day-long mists. We made the most of the 2 sunny days and got most of the winterizing done. I'd still like to get the outside of the windows washed, but that doesn't look too promising.
We got the snowblower out and the mowers, hose, and bike put away.
We got the AC unit tarped.
We moved and tarped the camper. During this process we discovered 2 cracks and a hole in the camper roof. We patched the holes, but didn't have time to check for damage in the ceiling. We're keeping our fingers crossed that we won't find much damage next spring.
Our internet service continues to alternate between extremely fast to extremely slow to nonexistent. The repair guys are starting to scratch their heads in consternation. We've become a quest to them. Why does this shit always happen to US?
L ordered a new, custom-built computer.(Sore subject. Don't ask!) While waiting for the new computer to arrive, our old computer acquired a trojan and had to be restored. Then our monitor died. We're now up and running again with a new computer and monitor. This means that I am now learning to handle a new operating system. Is it just me, or is Vista a gigantic step backwards? About the time I get used to Vista our free Windows 7 upgrade will arrive and then I'll be back to square one again. *Sigh*
Those last 2 paragraphs should explain why I haven't been online lately.
THEN...Z and I utilized the new, organized workshop area of the garage and built a new computer desk for L and I. I designed the desk with a CD and DVD shelf in the back....
We WERE going to lay our new kitchen floor (that's been taking up space in our living room since May) last weekend. My back has been giving me problems for the past week(Yeah, it's stress related.), so we postponed that project until next weekend. Right now I'm working on polying the cove molding that will cover the 1/4" gap that's required on laminate flooring. Tomorrow I hope to start removing the existing molding. Then I'll start measuring to figure where to start with the first piece of flooring. We've got a LOT of weird angles and corners in our kitchen so this will be tricky.
All of this designing and creating has kept my mind off all the tragedies in my life. I'm hoping that I can keep this up until this year is finally over. I'm praying that 2010 will bring us more happiness than heartache.