Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Notta's Tag

Notta Wallflower hit me with a really unique tag: tell your readers about the idiosyncrasies in your life.

We all have quirky things that we do, but do we recognize them? This requires a LOT of thought.

The following are idiosyncrasies I have in common with Notta. My additions are in parenthesis.

If I'm in a public restroom, I will only go #2 if there is no one else in the restroom, even if I'm about to explode. (I even do this at home. I'll pee, bathe, or wander around in my undies in front of anybody. But when it comes to #2, that's my sacred "alone time". My bowels just won't function under scrutiny.)

I ALWAYS have to arrive at work at least 15 minutes earlier than I'm expected to so that I can mentally go through "my list" for the day. (I get really cranky if I don't gather my thoughts before I start work)
Matter of fact, I always leave early for everything because I hate being late, even if it's only a few minutes late, and even at the expense of missing something important, like brushing my teeth or eating breakfast. (Most of my friends are late for EVERYTHING and it drives me WILD. Fortunately, my husband shares this one with me so we don't drive each other crazy on this point.)

If clothing gets folded (by someone else) inside out, I unfold it, turn it right-side-out, then refold it my way.( This one does drives my husband bonkers. "Why is YOUR way the ONLY way to fold something?" It just IS, so deal with it! Besides, when things are folded MY WAY, they fit better in our drawers and cupboards.)

Now, here's my own unique? idiosyncrasies.

I LOVE peanut butter. I like sandwiches, Reese's cups, peanut butter frosting and some wicked peanut butter bars I make. I HATE peanut butter cookies. Why?

I have a problem with personal space. If I know you and like you, no problem. I'm a big hugger and cuddler with those close to me. But if you're a stranger or somebody I don't like, don't get inside my 2 foot comfort zone or I'll get snarly.

I'm a perfectionist, but I'm working on it. I recently found out that this is an OCD trait. Wonder where Z got that one? If I can't do something perfectly, I won't do it until I can. This explains a lot of the messes I get overwhelmed with.

I have a phobia about e-coli and salmonella. I sterilize my kitchen and myself wherever it contacts fresh meat or eggs. I've known 3 people who have contracted salmonella and it's not a pretty sight!

I'm a compulsive rotator. When I buy groceries I always put the new stuff behind the old stuff. When I do laundry, I put the freshly laundered clothes, towels and sheets on the bottom, so I'm not using the same items over and over. I do the same thing when I buy paper products and toiletries. You wouldn't want to use a stale tampon or old toilet paper, now would you?

And last, but not least: I'm a pyromaniac! Fortunately I limit myself to candles, campfires and yard waste. But I do LOVE to watch things burn. I'm also a perfectionist in my pyromania. I get totally pissed off if I can't light a campfire with only 1 match! My husband calls me "1 match Mama". My husband insists that I would have made a terrific arsonist. He says the only problem is that I'd get arrested after my first arson fire. I'd be the spectator in a lawn chair, with a drink in my hand, saying "It only took me ONE MATCH!"

I tag Squirl, Wandering Coyote, and Bridget Jones and anyone else who cares to share their quirks.


At 10/19/2005 5:14 PM, Blogger Squirl said...

I didn't read your list too carefully because you'll remind of things that are my idiosyncrasies, too. I've already caught enough that I'll probably look like I'm copying. :-)

At 10/19/2005 6:01 PM, Blogger Robin said...

My hub and I were JUST discussing restroom, er, noises the other day. He told me that in Japan, women continually flush the toilet so no one will hear them tinkle.
This coming from the land of "panty vending machines."

At 10/19/2005 6:32 PM, Blogger S.M. Elliott said...

Oh yeah, stale tampons are the worst. :P

I think it's totally weird that you don't like peanut butter cookies.

At 10/19/2005 6:32 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Squirl, I found a lot in common with Notta's. I guess we're all a little nuts.

Robin, I'd hate to have their water bill. ;)

At 10/19/2005 6:33 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

So does Dad!

At 10/19/2005 7:05 PM, Blogger Wandering Coyote said...

I'll do this tomorrow.

But I don't think I have any weird idiosyncrasies...

At 10/19/2005 7:34 PM, Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

TSHS - good list! I would have never guessed pyromania! I'm intrigued...

WC - Everyone has weird stuff.... :-P

At 10/19/2005 9:02 PM, Blogger zydeco fish said...

OK, the bathroom confessional really cracked me up. That used to be me too, but I got over it.

At 10/19/2005 9:22 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Flames have a very soothing effect on me, Notta. ;)

ZF, there's always another quirk out there, ready to take it's place!

WC, that's the fun part; thinking about "normal" things we do that others might find a little odd.

At 10/20/2005 6:50 AM, Blogger Laura said...

You and I seem to have a lot in common... That's pretty funny. I love fire, I'm perpetually early for everything, I rotate the groceries (though not the paper products)...

At 10/20/2005 2:08 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Maybe we're all normal and everyone else is a little off? ;)

At 10/20/2005 7:27 PM, Blogger Wandering Coyote said...

tshsmom: just responded to your tag on my blog.

I am NOT THAT weird! Or, not as weird as I'd though.

At 10/20/2005 7:28 PM, Blogger Wandering Coyote said...

That is, THOUGHT.

Havving typping issues today.

At 10/21/2005 1:17 AM, Blogger Vest said...

tshsmom, you are paranormal, except for your #2 quirky problem.
Nowadays; although its not deadly serious yet, I make a quick beeline to the nearest Dunny at the first sign of trouble.
Other than that I am a pleasant amicable loving person. When I choose not to be a pain in the butt.
Going on vacation for a few days, be back soon.

At 10/21/2005 1:33 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Vest, do some WALKING on your vacation. Wifey says you need exercise!!
BTW, another one of my quirks is I love ornery old pain in the butts!!
So take care of yourself!

At 10/21/2005 11:37 PM, Blogger Sadie Lou said...

I'm a perfectionist, but I'm working on it. I recently found out that this is an OCD trait. Wonder where Z got that one? If I can't do something perfectly, I won't do it until I can. This explains a lot of the messes I get overwhelmed with.

Oh, this made me giggle. We are kindred spirits, you and I. I got my perfectionism from my father. The older you get, the worse it is...

At 10/22/2005 12:17 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

I did the same thing when I read about all the kids running around on your white carpet, Sadie! ;)

At 10/22/2005 3:14 PM, Blogger Sadie Lou said...

The white carpet came with the house. We did pretty good for about 6 months. Natalie had a paint accident in her bedroom and Dan has tracked in some car grease. That's about it. The real fuss is trying to get people to understand that we would like to avoid having accidents and could everyone take off their shoes and not let their kids eat in the livingroom or run around without panties?
It's amazing what people will do in their own homes, let alone in a host's house.

At 10/22/2005 6:02 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Yeah, it's weird. I've actually had people look at me funny when I take off my shoes at the door in their houses.
The best thing I've found for most carpet stains is 409 and a scrub brush. It's even worked on pine pitch.
If I ever visit your home, I promise to take off my shoes, but I won't guarantee the panties. ;)

At 10/25/2005 5:21 PM, Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

I'm a pyromaniac! Fortunately I limit myself to candles, campfires and yard waste. But I do LOVE to watch things burn. I'm also a perfectionist in my pyromania. I get totally pissed off if I can't light a campfire with only 1 match!

These were all neat things to learn about you, but this one, you and I definitely have in common. I love playing with fire, and take great pride in being able to light a campfire with one match. If it takes more than one match, I feel like I screwed up.

It does rain sometimes or the wood is too wet to work with, so I'll bring a cheap candle, just in case. Is that cheating, even if the wood is wet?

At 10/25/2005 6:50 PM, Blogger tshsmom said...

Another trick, that Z taught me, is to take along cotton balls smeared with vaseline. They're great firestarters when your wood is substandard.
My rule is 1 match. If you start a candle with the match, you're just smart. An exception to this is my Dad. He only uses 1 match, but he also uses gas. No no no! Environmentally unfriendly and CHEATING!
BTW, I've been known to bring dry firewood into the tent when it starts raining. Yes, I'm that much of a fire maniac!


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