My loving, deep-thinking husband L, also known as Scrunch, over at, has come up with a soul-searching question: What do we expect from life? He has succinctly put this question into four categories:
4 Things You NEED:Love
I'm grateful, every day, for these basics in my life!
The last 3 things on my list are no-brainers. Everybody needs these things to physically survive. Love is what makes us decent human beings. I'm not talking about love of things; I'm talking about love for each other. We also need to be given unconditional love from birth. I've seen too many human shells, who were deprived of love in childhood. My husband was one of them. Some of these children become too hardened to ever freely give and receive love. My husband was lucky. He protected the loving being within, and bloomed when given unconditional love.
4 Things You WANT:Affordable health care for everyone.
A clean house
A secure future
More love in the world!
We've ALWAYS had to divide our life into NEEDS versus WANTS. Early on in our marriage, we had to learn to meet our needs first. We had a child to raise, and her needs HAD to come first! We always WANTED a second child, but we couldn't risk our first child's welfare. This explains the 14 yr difference in our kids' ages. But do you know what? We never felt deprived.
The top thing on my want list has always(since Z was born), been a garage. I know that a lot of you are pretty sick of hearing about it, but we're THRILLED with the whole construction process. L and I have worked our butts off, all our lives, to be able to afford the luxury of a garage. We'll NEVER take this luxury for granted.
4 Things You DESERVE:Respect : I've worked hard all my life, making something from nothing. We've made it, on our own! I've raised two respectful, deep-thinking human beings. I'm the BEST waittress in our county. Yes, I deserve respect!
Fun: We've been working our butts off, the last two summers, improving our home. Our jobs are demanding and our spare time is consumed by homeschooling. We DESERVE some FUN!
My smart aleck kids: Remember your mother saying: "I hope you have kids JUST LIKE YOU, someday!" ? This curse works, much to my parent's amusement.
LOVE! : EVERY human deserves love! I'm not sure if love is inborn or learned. I do know that hate is learned. Let's spread our love around, and make this world a better place!
Vancouver Voyeur said: " I think some people are attracted to fancy, pretty, shiny things that money can buy. If I had enough money to not worry about food and shelter, I don't think I'd want that much. A nice home by a mountain lake is as big as my fantasies have extended. :-) "
WELL SAID, my friend!! I'm with you 100% !
Do yourself a favor. Go through your home, room by room, and sort your possessions into NEEDS and WANTS. For example; what do you really NEED in your kitchen: stove, refrigerator, a few pots and pans, a few cooking untensils, a good knife, can opener, enough place settings to feed your family. ALL the rest is just fluff; be grateful for it!