Ta-da! There it is, SME and Doug's home-away-from-home.
When Z and I got home from work yesterday, L had the camper uncovered and jacked up, ready to remove the flat tire. By the time I had changed my clothes and started the laundry, L had the camper ready to move. We pulled it out of its winter storage spot, mowed that spot, and backed the camper closer to the garage. Now, it's all leveled, with the stabilizer jacks down, and ready to be popped up, and vacuumed, next Friday. The camper battery will be done charging today so L can hook it to the camper tomorrow.
L loaded the truck with recycling, and threw the old tire behind the recycling, where he can easily reach it. Tomorrow, he'll haul the recycling to the center, while the camper rim is fitted with a sturdy new tire. While L completed his chores, I decluttered the kitchen and finished the laundry. Not bad for an afternoon's work, eh?
One of my favorite quotes comes from
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid: "I got vision, and the rest of the world wears bifocals!" I LOVE IT when a plan comes together! We bought the land for our home a year before we moved here. I spent that year carefully planning where everything would fit onto our property, even the garage. The first thing I planned was where the sewer and water connections needed to be, so they could be dug in that fall. The following summer we had our driveway built, and the yard stabilized and sloped properly. The month before our house arrived, L and 2 of our friends built the shed. Once the shed was built, we started moving our non-essential possessions into it. While L was building the shed, I was busy meeting with the power company, planning where our power pole would go, and hiring an electrician to hook up the house when it arrived.
22 years later, I marvel at how well my planning paid off! It took 20 years to get the garage I had planned for, but I think this makes us appreciate it more. The picture of our camper, sidled up to the garage, brings another plan to fruition. Next weekend, we'll be running a cord under the garage door, to the camper. The cord will be totally out of the way, where nobody will be tripping over it. We will put one of the remotes, which operate the front garage lights, in the camper, so SME and Doug will have a well-lit journey to the house, if necessary. All of this is part of the master plan that I formulated 22 years ago!
After spending years researching TS and OCD, I'm certain that my zealous over-planning is an OCD trait. I'm NOT a spontaneous person. Everything I do must be carefully planned out. Once my plans are complete, I become TOTALLY frustrated, and angry, if my plans must be changed. Fortunately for me, this rarely happens. Where do I get this behavior? My Dad. I used to think that I LEARNED to carefully plan EVERYTHING from my Dad. Now I realize that I INHERITED this trait from him. Perfectionism can be a heavy burden to bear, but... sometimes it pays off!
Today, the 3 of us are tackling the remaining clutter in Z's room. THEN....we will eliminate the clutter in the den. The rest of the week will be spent catching up on the housework we're neglecting, stockpiling enough groceries to feed THREE teenagers, making beds, AND....anxiously awaiting the arrival of our family from Edmonton!
I leave you with the peaceful sunset photo L took last week.....