Since My Last Post....
We discovered that our friend was probably murdered.
I lost a classmate to cancer. I wasn't very close to this person, but I was good friends with her twin sister.
My cousin, whose husband is dying of lung cancer, broke her foot and is confined to a wheelchair. Last week she lost her aunt to Alzheimer's. I don't know how, but she still retains her upbeat attitude. You're my hero J!!
The 12-yr-old great-grandson of my parents' neighbor is in intensive care after rolling a snowmobile 6 times. His skull was crushed. The police report says that "speed was a factor". No shit Sherlock!! What were the parents thinking when they let a 12-yr-old drive a sled, capable of 100 mph speeds, unsupervised?
Our little town lost 40 jobs, that paid over minimum wage with benefits, last week. I imagine most of those people will leave town.
We got 9 more inches of snow on Monday and another inch yesterday. This morning it was -15F and it will remain below zero through the weekend. Starting Monday the forecast calls for warmer temps and 5 more days of SNOW!
I really NEEDED to accomplish something worthwhile, so I finally tackled the 2 overflowing baskets of mending I'd been ignoring for the past 3 years. I patched 15 pairs of jeans for me and 12 pairs for L. I also patched 6 insulated flannel shirts for L and fixed a seam on a sweatshirt I had forgotten I owned.
Now that the mending is out of the way, I bought material to sew desperately needed new curtains for the kitchen. The best part is I got the material for $3.99/yd! Now that we've chosen the color for the curtains, we can now pick a paint color for the kitchen. I brought paint color cards home from Menards yesterday. This weekend we'll make our final color choice. Once the painting is done, we'll be able to install new flooring. I also picked out the laminate flooring that we'll buy as soon as our tax refund arrives. Check out my post from May 23, 2007 for a picture of the sad state of our kitchen floor. It hasn't improved any in the past 2 years, trust me.
I'd like to refinish the kitchen cupboard doors this summer, but I don't think I'll have the time. We have to re-side, at least, the back of the house. We're hoping that the siding on the front and ends of the house will last until next summer. We also MUST build a new computer desk for ourselves...AND replace the front door....AND build a workbench for the garage since we already have the materials...time, and money, will tell....