'Nuff Said!
Several of my faithful readers have implored me to quit taking Vest's abuse. Thank you, for your words of encouragement, but I'm fine. I can be quite thick-skinned. Remember, I work with the public. ;)
My motto, when dealing with difficult people, has always been: "Give 'em enough rope, and they'll hang themselves." I had to leave those comments up, as rope. Sure enough; my nasty troll hung himself!
This post will be the end of all the nonsense.
The following are posts and comments from Vest's blog, The Daily Gaggle. Feel free to probe his archives, if you doubt the veracity of my statements. My rebuttals are in red.
To the sweet old Gun Toting Biddy(Quite true, actually. heehee) Who lives in a shoe box, or is it a large Mars Bar with windows? out in Sticksville, the Minne ha ha State in Uncle Samland.In reply to your witch hunting(Checking my blogger records to PROVE that Vest was making the rude, anonymous comments) and bone pointing, I have this to say , finally I hope.(So do we!)If you have an open door(Anon facility) People will use it to their advantage.(Trolling.)It is similar to the democratic principles on voting where anonimity is sacred. it is a priviledge that gives people the right to healthy criticism.On rare occasions this facility has been, not inasmuch removed but monitered in order to filter any incoming obscene and unwarranted language.However, I have accepted the fact there are people in this world who will disagree with my personal opinion, this in its self can be rewarding,(Very true!) more often than not. I have occasionally mentioned to callers that, the over use of swear words will cause deletions but also in the spirit of the game I have allowed close to the bone criticism of my self. which I have found traveling around is rarely approved of on other blogs.This situation will sometimes breed major apposing opinion issues.About a year ago a gun debate arose on an American blogsite,(This was on Zombieslayer's [ZS] blog. I've been re-reading his posts, and oddly enough, Vest didn't enter into any of our gun-control discussions. Hmmm. Vest DID post a couple of anti-gun rants on his own blog. Both ZS and myself replied quite civilly to his viewpoint. I even went so far as to say that I understood why he didn't like guns after witnessing the carnage of WWII.) where I had made frequent calls previously. Unfortunately I dared to point out my reasons for more gun control, Quoting incidents where lax laws world wide were allowing normal people who in a induced fit of rage brought about by some particular upset in their lives, to resort to aimlessly slaughter innocent people while mentally distraught.Suddenly I was pilloried by a host of people I thought were normaly adjusted.(If ANYBODY can find evidence of this, please let me know. The only other gun-control discussions I have been in, were on Laura's and Grizzly Mama's blogs. Have I EVER been less than civil? Laura and I remain friends, even though we have agreed to disagree on this subject.) Political, professional, Religious pot smoking creeps and a plethera of Hill Billy Rednecks, I knew at that point I was mixing it with a bunch of self centered dogmatic and unswerving people in the blog world.From then until today, much bickering and grovelling among blogsites has been the order of the day, like you kiss my ass(Oh my, profanity!) and you may comment on any silly unimportant drivel you wish to providing its approved sometimes by a inane blog administrator.I dared to question one particular Ignominous Gun Toting Hobnail booted(Hobnails don't work well on a ladder. I wear my worn out work shoes....New Balance....made in AMERICA.) toolbox carting female Redneck, who hailed from sticksville minnesota, on the Gun issue, from that point on her coolness in my direction has not wavered,(NO, my coolness commenced when you started trolling Sadie, in the exact same manner you trolled me! At this time, I started following Vest around blogger. I found a comment, from him, on an anti-Christian troll's blog. Vest suggested that this troll would enjoy trolling Sadie's blog. The next episode occurred right before ZS quit blogging. Vest went to DHG's blog, and goaded him into returning to ZS's blog. DHG was the ONLY person that ZS ever banned, after repeatedly warning him to quit insulting his commenters. Apparently, ZS was becoming too boring for Vest too. He wanted to "stir the pot". Why?)with a barrage of kick ass(MORE profanity.) replies from this purveyer of four letter expletives.(WHERE are these "kick ass" replies? Yes, the last couple of months, I have responded to Vest's rudeness on my blog. Most of those responses were in reply to his obvious disdain of women. No expletives were used. I did, however, aim a few choice words Saby's way. ;) Yes, I DO swear on occasion. Have I offended any of you? Let me know.) The "SAVE BABE" info which was sent out( optional to open) depicting cruelty in the world wide slaughter house industry was followed by a cynical apposing bacon fest by a person unsympathetic to the cause,(NO, Vancouver Voyeur and I were discussing her plans for the upcoming weekend. We have a running joke going about her having fun on weekends, while I slave away on my house. Just part of the fun and friendship of blogging. Baconfest was a gathering of her friends, which involved a potluck of bacon entrees.) the wordsmith bacon lover was informed(Yup, Vest spammed VV's blog with his inane alter-egos. She was forced to enable comment moderation) that even I was not adverse to the taste of crackling, which unfortunately is the destiny of most porkers, the humane angle failed to penetrate the noddles of the bacon scoffers, many were the comments made on this important issue which ended in being deleted by the baconites.These blogsites were now blocking the order of fair play.(Yup, I disabled anonymous comments. Fair play involves having the balls to stand behind your words, by using your blogger identity, NOT by inventing numerous, anonymous identities)Mind you I should have seen the writing on the wall earlier, when 90% of the male comment on hobnails blog was coming from myself.(This is true. My stats indicate that 25% of my traffic comes from Vest. The word STALKING, comes to mind here.) Why had at least a dozen male regular bloggers flown the coop,(The actual count is 7, but thanks for the vote of confidence. The 7 male bloggers, who have "flown the coop", have quit blogging, due to constraints on their time. I had NOTHING to do with their disappearance.) the answer could be they were bored to death of the back stabbing(ALL RIGHT, which one of you is the backstabber? I was obviously too stupid to notice this trend. heehee) gormless input by a few Germaine Greer type Middle aged bimbo's;(Bimbos? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Middle-aged? 4 of us, I think. The rest are sweet kids, in their 20s and early 30s.) who had lost the plot and their partners and were wallowing(Where? When?) in a slush of self pity while explaining their addiction to prescription drugs(Hmmm, I didn't realize that heart medications, antibiotics, and antidepressants were classified as 'addicting' drugs. I also don't remember any discussions on this topic, here.) and not getting off of their fat asses but relying on others to provide support.(I do believe that ALL of us are gainfully employed!)Then came the constant drivel of commentary on the building of a blessed garage,(Yup, quite proud of that garage!) yes, every farting nut and bolt and hair on the paintbrushes were involved in this agonising saga,(If you don't like it, don't read it!) a steady nauseating progress report from the DIY crack pots on how to build a farting garage.Little wonder people were cringing when trying to make polite reply comments.(I believe that my comments, from my friends, proved this point wrong!)There are some very nice people in the blog world(Absolutely!) and heap of gutless morons(ie Vest and Saby) too, those who derive pleasure from guns and waving the big stick to administer pain(The only pain I've seen here has come from Vest.) to others, But cry "Foul" when the compliment is returned.When serving in the British navy for nearly twenty five years I acquired a substantial glossary of unmentionable words, but I never found it necessary to incorporate them in every day language.As for Guns, It is a known fact that, People and Guns are perfectly safe until you forget they are dangerous.If you are a nice person reading this , HAVE A NICE DAY. IF NOT, HAVE A NICE DAY TOO.Anonymous comment welcome. BTW My spell check is not working.
Ok then this is it. Pin your ears back for the Quote of the day.From Stickville Minnesota, Madame Hobnail- Nail whacker had this to say:"I deleted the comments that I found insulting and left the others I liked 'Up', in the true spirit of Freedom of Speech". (I do believe that I have been TOTALLY misquoted here! )
Vest said...
Vest Junior(Eldest son of Vest) possibly alias (other)your comment posted when I was fast asleep at 5.12 am as anon. with the tell tale trash can.For those unaware. My pc is connected by wireless to J V downstairs; which I refer to as the 'Engine Room' owing to the 2nd hand tobacco smoke which floats up the stairs to me in the Captains Quarters. On waking this morning, I turned on the exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathroom, as Vest Junior had been up all night(nothing unusual) He's asleep now, but he has access to my pc(never off) for business purposes, i'll talk to him when he wakes, "Yawn". I am considering my retaliating options,(Retaliating to WHAT? Pointing out the fact that ALL the nasty comments on my blog were coming from YOUR computer? No, I do NOT buy the story that your son was behind all this. IF he is to blame, then he's quite a chip off the old block. My sympathies to him!)with ref to a Nth Am Redneck Blog should it turn nasty, as I have mentioned before; "No one can be so calculatedly rude as us British, Which amazes most Americans, who do not understand Studied insult and can only offer abuse and obscenities as a substitute". (I've got better things to do with my time than study insult. Once again, what obscenities?)
21/10/06 12:13 PM
Remember paying attention to detail and listening is one of the lesser known skills that women offer. (Really? Any takers on this one?)
kate from budgewoi said...
hi vestie, it was nice to see you up and about at the club, I came over with my sis and said hello but it was so noisy at the moment, see you on friday will come over and keep rosemary's seat warm and hold your hand while 'R' is on the pokies btw your a great kisser, Oooh Oooh,xxx kate FB. (I'm sure that Kate is one of Vest's pretend friends. Even if she is a real person; is this any way for a supposedly happily married man to behave? Has anybody else noticed that NONE of Vest's pretend commenters can spell, or use correct punctuation? Is this an odd coincidence? Don't think so.)
New post:
GOODBYE NORTH AMERICA (Don't let the door hit you!)
I should have realised from the start that Blogging was not going to be easy in Nth America. However, it has been a period of learning on how the people in the twilight zone spend their lives; those who sport a similar language but dissimilar habits and in most cases entirely differing opinions. By treading carefully initially and doing a lot of 'Yessing'(A new word) I was able to relax until the time I was in agreement with an English blogger D H G (Check out ZS's archives. Vest was also attacked by DHG. He replied, in kind, to the insults. Vest NEVER agreed with DHG during this exchange!)who had been kicked to death by anti Europeans, it was then I felt my first stab wound.(Delivered by DHG. Not ONE American blogger attacked Vest!)Soon to follow was the gun debate in which I was the only detractor to the gun lovers in this lopsided stoush.(I couldn't find ANY comments from Vest in these discussions. Laura, however, contributed many opposing comments on those posts. Guess what? We're all still friends!) Former friends were now becoming antagonists bar one or two which kept me hanging on, then came the inquisition, someone began probing the blogs with nasty innuendo, and by using several aliases from a site in India, was able to infiltrate into several sites, for which I collected the blame.(Not from ME! I knew that Vest and Saby were 2 different people. However....Vest has a nasty habit of behaving like Saby. There's one big difference between the two: Saby's a hacker; while Vest hasn't discovered the Favorites option on his browser. Vest connects to my blog by Googling TSHSMOM, every time! After the "Sadie incident" of January '06, I've been casually tracking Vest and Saby through blogland. Not a pretty sight!) Nevertheless the dung clung and from then on I was blatantly put down by Madame Hobnail from Minnesota and her foul mouthed pig pen of bacon loving loonies. It was time to go, I had Left my mark indelibly in The Land of the Free. (This is, unfortunately, a true statement.)
Sophocles once said. It is Silence that makes a woman beautiful. And when asked if he would teach his daughters a foreign language replied "One tongue is sufficient for a woman". so would you all very kindly. S T F U.FINI. (Misogyny anyone?)
Does anybody remember the obscene "wobblies" comments, that were left on our blogs, when we were all new to blogging? Those comments were left by Vest, who was trying to promote his book. I realised this after reading his book. I forgave the behavior; attributing it to a lonely old man, trying to gain attention for his accomplishments.
ZS and I became faithful readers of Vest's blog, even though it didn't always make sense. Several of our kind friends followed us over there. We all wanted Vest to find fun and friendship in blogland. Unfortunately, this wasn't Vest's agenda.
Vest quickly gave up his "wobbly" campaign. He had discovered a new way to increase traffic to his blog...TROLLING. This strategy worked well, for a while. Increased traffic prompted Vest to join AdSense. NOW, he renewed his efforts to get more people to his blog. This quickly backfired on him. The trolls, who he was imitating, and encouraging, started trolling Vest's blog. At this point, Vest's only commenters, are make-believe friends, whom Vest has invented. Not ONE of them is a legitimate blogger. Too bad Vest hasn't realized that honey gathers more flies, than vinegar.
It's amazing how some people's true colors emerge behind the screen of anonymity! In the beginning, I thought Vest was my friend. My fault. I always tend to look for the good in people, and I always will! Now I realize that Vest was NEVER our friend. His views on Americans, Canadians, and WOMEN, has become glaringly apparent.
In conclusion, I want it to be known that, I've NEVER posted, or emailed, ANYTHING, anonymously! I enjoy writing. I choose my words carefully, so I can take pride in them. I stand behind my words....'nuff said!Oops, I forgot one important fact. In case any of you were wondering; NO, we don't let Z visit porn sites. He found the link, about the sale of used sex dolls, on one of the humor sites he reads. The whole idea totally grossed him out. We all got a good laugh out of it though. ;)
We now return to our regularly scheduled program. Let the boredom, backstabbing, and profanity resume! ;)