For Squirl

WORK UPDATE: The boss' son, BS (isn't this appropriate?), didn't ditch his limited work schedule for boinking this week. The dishwasher, DW, didn't show up for work on Wednesday. BS's response? "She PROMISED me she'd be here today." My response? "She's as reliable as a 2-day-old baby with the shits, and NO DIAPER!"
Thursday morning, DW showed up like nothing had happened, again. BS lives next door to the restaurant. So every chance she got, DW would sneak over to his house. My co-worker, CW, would then get on the phone, and call her back to work. DW was actually stupid enough to answer the phone EVERY TIME, and BS has caller ID! The 4th time this happened, CW told her: "I don't care what you do with YOUR time, but don't screw with the BOSS' time!"
On Friday DW proudly announced that our Boss had called BS and told him that she was going to have a talk with DW when she gets home. (Yes, CW called our Boss and told her what's been going on.) WTF, DW?! Do you honestly think that this will be a fun talk? WTF are you expecting? Maybe a promotion for your sterling work history? *shaking head and muttering*
SCHOOL UPDATE: We will be taking Candace's excellent advice by taking the coming week off from homeschooling. We will be using the time to tackle the disastrous mess in Z's room. I'm dividing the room into 7 sections and printing up a schedule, just like an assignment sheet. We'll tackle one area/day. Hopefully his room will be totally reorganized by next Sunday. I hope to be posting before and after pictures of this mammoth project.
SHAMELESS PLUG: Check out Z's blog, for a brilliant post on the "Elmo Phenomenon".
I'm hoping that this week will go smoother and I'll have more time to blog. I'm not counting on it though.