In honor of our 30th anniversary, I've compiled a list of 100 things I love about my husband.
I wrote these as they came to mind. They're not in order of importance, except the first two.
1) He's put up with ME for 30 years!
2) He's a TERRIFIC Dad!
3) We work well together on home improvement projects.
4) His sense of humor!
5) That he's smart enough to let ME handle the money.
6) He overcame his fear of large dogs for me.
7) He's a reader!
8) He cried when SME moved to Edmonton.
9) He loves camping.
10) He tolerates my parents.
11) He can calm a crying baby when nobody else can.
12) He can walk in the woods for hours.
13) We have the same tastes in home decor.
14) He isn't ANYTHING like his family!
15) He can argue both sides of any issue.
16) Home and family are EVERYTHING to him!
17) He can't stand professional sports!
18) He would get mad when people would see him with the kids and ask him if he was "babysitting".
19) He'll always stop to enjoy the beauty of a sunset. In fact, he usually has to take a picture too.
20) He has NEVER forgotten a birthday or anniversary.
21) He has always loved my cooking.
22) I turned him into a Christmas freak!
23) He'd give his life for me or the kids.
24) He brags about my talents.
25) He filled in the skunk's den.
26) He's proud of my pyromania.
27) He's WAY more overprotective of the kids than I am.
28) He likes to shop!
29) He ALWAYS kisses me goodbye.
30) He sticks to our rule that the last one out of bed(him), makes the bed.
31) We've NEVER argued about money!
32) He has a very strong work ethic.
33) SME will ALWAYS be "Daddy's little girl" to him!
34) He loves to BBQ.
35) He had no problem with his daughter playing with trucks and legos, and his son playing with dolls.
36) I love the way we complement each other; his strengths are my weaknesses and vice versa.
37) His favorite part of camping is sitting by the fire with me at the end of the day. If there's a fire ban, he doesn't want to go camping.
38) He taught me that the most important family we have is the 2 of us and our kids.
39) He shares my love of candles.
40) He would NEVER be unfaithful.
41) He's honest.
42) He proved to his family that he can love a son as much as a daughter!
43) Practically everything he knows, he taught himself.
44) He's worked a LOT of shit jobs to keep a roof over our heads.
45) He has filmed hours of squirrel and chipmunk videos.
46) He views our vehicles as transportation, rather than an extension of his dick.
47) He started the truck and scraped the windshield for me at 5:30 a.m. for 24 winters.
48) He doesn't do anything for show. He's the real deal!
49) When we were going together, he drove me home when I was too drunk to drive, and WALKED 10 miles back home.
50) He loves museums and zoos.
51) While on an out of town singing gig, when we were dating, he called me at 2 a.m. to tell me he turned down the advances of a girl who followed him to his motel room.
52) He appreciates that I don't waste money on beauty treatments and "cute" shoes.
53) He enjoys romantic comedies.
54) He knows me better than ANYONE!
55) He changes diapers!
56) He's a whiz at fixing toilets and doorknobs!
57) He's grateful that I eloped with him and didn't care about a fancy wedding.
58) He doesn't understand men who MUST go "out with the guys", or couples who take separate vacations.
59) He read, and enjoyed, my Diana Gabaldon books.
60) He taught me to say "NO" to the demands of others.
61) He'll carry my purse when my hands are full...not for long though.
62) He won't tolerate misogyny.
63) He always makes sure that the birdfeeder is full, so we can enjoy watching the birds from our kitchen window.
64) He'll stay outside, watching other people's kids when their parents are too stupid to watch them.
65) He stayed with Boo, when she was put to sleep, when I couldn't handle it.
66) He defers to me in decorating projects. He can't visualize how something will turn out. He's often questioned my sanity when planning a project, but he always loves the end result.
67) He agreed to our green couch, even though he hates green.
68) We share all the toys we own. Now THAT'S compatibility!
69) He will buy tampons for me.
70) He doesn't complain about me watching TV to fall asleep.
71) He loves photography as much as I do.
72) He doesn't want to kill nuisance mice, even though I DO!
73) He brings me a blanket when I'm watching TV in my chair.
74) He's BRILLIANT with computers!
75) The first thing he'd do, when he got home from work when the kids were small, is pick them up for a hug.
76) He has a strong belief in our legal system, even when it's wrong.
77) He's so laid back that he doesn't even get shook in an emergency.
78) He's extremely patient with Z, when teaching him computer stuff. He never says "I told you so", even when Z's smartassed teenaged attitude overrides his brain.
79) He'll clean up the mouse corpses that I kill, even though he doesn't agree with killing them.
80) He built in our portable dishwasher in our old house while I was at work. I didn't want to sacrifice the cupboard space. I loved it, and he's never let me hear the end of it.
81) When we were dating, he wanted to go to the drive-in to watch the movies...even the dusk to dawn features. He's a big fan of cheesy B movies. I think we were the only people at the drive-in who were actually watching the movies.
82) He NEVER holds a grudge.
83) He'll always admit when I'm right.
84) He loves it when I'm wrong....although this rarely happens. ;)
85) He never blames his problems on his terrible childhood.
86) He's rarely yelled at the kids.
87) He developed gastritis when SME's marriage fell apart. His stomach problems didn't go away until he saw SME in person, and knew that she was in a new, safe relationship.
88) He loves to rub our relationship in his ex-wife's face.
89) He's always been more comfortable talking to women than men.
90) He judges people's homes by how many books they have.
91) He doesn't have a cruel bone in his body.
92) Kids and animals love him.
93) He attended my mother's family reunion....ONCE. He and Z refuse to EVER do that again!
94) My Grandma adored him!
95) He hasn't touched my houseplants since the great plant disaster of '79.
96) He calls my spider plant "sir"....it scares him.
97) He knows I love appliances, tools, and gadgets as gifts.
98) He loves high-quality animated movies. He's a kid at heart.
99) He appreciates our simple lifestyle.
100) He still manages to surprise me, even though we've been married forever.
Maybe for Father's Day I'll write a list of the 200 things he does that drive me nuts